Practical Tips on How to Decorate Your Dining Room with Food Wall Art
Today’s guest writer is home decorator and friend, Maria – she is amazing and talks about how artwork can restore harmony to the mind and body and create a relaxing space for recovery. God knows we all need a bit of Zen in this hectic day and age… The dining room is one of the […]

Baby’s Skin Care comes FIRST, with Cetaphil Baby Moisturising Bath & Wash
Luca our 3 year old is a healthy and incredibly active kid. One of the biggest challenges for us as parents is really keeping up and giving her enough activities to keep her occupied and this includes being pretty frequently in the great outdoors. It doesn’t help that as travel writers we also travel the […]

Top tips for staying motivated when life gets hectic
Today’s guest post on Top tips for staying motivated when life gets hectic is by Ian Lewis. He works full-time hours in an office environment, takes care of his hyperactive 4 year old daughter and shares his house with his wife, daughter and a variety of pets… Here’s his post. Life is busy. You […]

5 Practical Ways To Lose Belly Fat
When I was twenty, I never had any belly fat no matter what I ate or did. Enter the 30’s.. with a slightly slower metabolism in tow, I was starting to see an unwelcome change across my trunk especially if I wasn’t eating particularly clean or nor exercising regularly. And then 40’s .. ah, that’s […]

Are You Eating Enough to Lose Weight?
Losing weight might have been easy in your 20’s and 30’s ..but do you sometimes wonder why you’re hitting a plateau? Things that used to work before, somehow are not harnessing the same fat burning power as they used to? What is going on?? Be it the latest diet fad that you’ve heard so many […]

Burn Fat, Lose Weight, Build Muscle – Yes you can!
One of the big mysteries in life, and more so in this current decade, is the paradox on how to lose fat and build muscle. I mean how often have you heard the phrase, EAT MORE to build muscle. And EAT LESS to lose fat. It seems counterintuitive to go on calorie restriction then does […]

Lose the Weight and keep it OFF! – HealthifyMe’s Diet Plan
Have you ever felt, that losing weight seems like an uphill battle? This is totally accurate, because it is. The body is in fact programmed to slow down it’s metabolism if it thinks the body is going into starvation (scarcity of food). So as an obese person starts to cut calories (on purpose in its […]

HealthifyMe .. Personalised diet plan in my pocket
One of the biggest concerns for me, ironically, whilst working in the fitness industry, is actually eating on time, and getting proper & balanced nutrition into my system. Let’s face it, I’m ridiculously busy, running around and looking after my family’s needs first, especially my 2.5 year old, I’m left with little time for myself. […]

How to potty train a toddler
So our two-year old is finally getting the hang of going to the adult toilet and using the big boy’s and girl’s potty! Woohoo. This may seem like nothing to you, but trust me, for a parent, it’s certainly a milestone. Some might say 2 years old is a late start, but we actually let […]

5 Great Things about being a Morning Person
I’ve always been a morning person. Even when I was pregnant, I’d wake up at 6:00 am to run for 50 minutes every single day except for Sunday. Here’s 5 Reasons Why being a morning person is the best! 1. Get it Done early Waking up in great morning sunlight and hitting the roads […]