First of all, the disclaimer. These tips are based solely on my opinion and on research I have done, as a Pharmacist/Fitness Nutritionist, as a 40++ year old woman & a mother, after having conceived our baby girl, Luca Olesya. I’ve been asked these questions so many times in the Pharmacy, on how to get […]
Archive | Tips on Pregnancy
10 Things to Do Before You Deliver
At 34 weeks, our baby now weighs 2.2kgs. Baby’s weight is right on track according to my gynae. She now kicks like a madman more than 20x a day. On the mommy front, no stretch-marks to date. Yay! Cardio and weights for 1 hour every morning, status quo. With only ONE more month to go, […]
How Big is My Baby This Week?
Such a cute comparison chart, to not be shared with expecting mums! (from 28 weeks onwards ,because I am already 28 weeks;) )
Creating a Life.
I’ve always been a bit of a fitness freak. I live, eat, breathe the shit! Friends who know me know I work hard to stay in shape so when my body transformed over my pregnancy, I had to learn to accept it. But then I realised that fitness and health is not about how you […]
Pregnancy the Marathon
Being pregnant is like a marathon. A 40 week long marathon actually. It’s not how you start the race, but how you finish. So, I was really happy that my first trimester went on without a hitch. No morning sickness, no fatigue, no food cravings or aversions etc and apart for 1 or 2 kg […]
We have a bun in the Oven!
Ah, time flies when you are busy. And boy have we been busy! Yes, yes, the good news is that we are already pushing 20 weeks into this #fitpregnancy! So far the ride has been a breeze, touch wood. The first trimester was actually the easiest. I am one of the fortunate few to not […]