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Top tips for staying motivated when life gets hectic

Today’s guest post on Top tips for staying motivated when life gets hectic is by Ian Lewis. He works full-time hours in an office environment, takes care of his hyperactive 4 year old daughter and shares his house with his wife, daughter and a variety of pets… Here’s his post. 


Life is busy. You might be working a full-time job, dealing with the school run and various after-school clubs. Perhaps you’re studying and working at the same time or trying to find time for keeping fit.

With the average full-time worker doing 37.2 hours a week on top of their other commitments, how can you stay motivated when life gets hectic?

Keep a to-do list

It can be hard to keep track of important dates and commitments. Once you start losing track, you’ll want to throw in the towel.

Staying motivated requires you to keep on top of your calendar. Write important dates in a paper diary, and check it at least once a week. And for everything else, keep a to-do list that you can check off as you go. Each task that you complete will give you a mental boost. And, nothing will get forgotten and fall by the wayside, you can schedule in time to exercise and having this dedicated time will make you more likely to do it.

Enjoy some you time

Even if just for 30 minutes a week, take some time to yourself. Go for a walk or a run or do some yoga, savour the moment and take the time to clear your head. Use this time to mentally relax and you’ll find you feel less overwhelmed and more motivated in all aspects of your life.

Do something you enjoy. Find a form of exercise outside the home that you can commit to once a week.

Put your ‘me time’ into your diary. It’s as important as all of those other things.


Make exercise a habit

It’s thought that 40% of women spend too much time sitting. So do almost a third of men. Around 20 million UK adults aren’t being active enough. It’s better to get up and move – there are a ton of great online portals to get affordable activewear and gear. Getting fit and healthy these days does not cost much at all!

Exercise has health benefits but also improves mental health. In fact, there are so many benefits to fitting exercise into your day. And, whilst many people believe that they simply don’t have time, it’s easier to incorporate than you might think.

If you do the school run and need to drive, park 15 minutes from the school. In total, you’ll do an hour of walking just for the school run each day.

The average UK adult watches nearly 30 hours of TV a week. Instead of watching from your sofa, why not download your favourite shows and watch them on your phone while from an exercise bike or treadmill at the gym. You won’t fall behind on your favourite shows, and you’ll be keeping fit and healthy at the same time.

Ask for help

No man is an island. If things are getting on top of you, reach out and ask for help. When you’re struggling it can feel like there’s nobody around to support you, but even a quick post on social media will show how people really care.

There may be people that you’ve not spoken to in years, because life got in the way, who’ll offer a listening ear or a practical helping hand. If you have family nearby, they may be able to support you by looking after the kids for a day. If you’re struggling with your studies, talk to your lecturer. If you’re having a hard time at work, ask your manager for a quick chat.

When life gets hectic, a loss of motivation can come from poor mental health and simply from being overwhelmed. When you share your challenges, people may take some off your hands.



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