So our two-year old is finally getting the hang of going to the adult toilet and using the big boy’s and girl’s potty! Woohoo. This may seem like nothing to you, but trust me, for a parent, it’s certainly a milestone. Some might say 2 years old is a late start, but we actually let […]
Archive | Fit Pregnancy
How to pack, when traveling with a 2 year old
I used to be a light traveler, until I had a baby! Then all her stuff just took over my bag, and backpacking was a thing of the past. But while family travel has its great rewards and perks too, it can be stressful if you’re a last minute packer. The tips is.. don’t be […]
How to achieve ‘functional fitness’ in middle age without injuring yourself
The 40’s might be the new 20’s but let’s face it, middle aged is as middle age gets. These days, it’s all about getting fit without killing myself in the process. As I enter my mid 40’s I find high impact sport choices, giving way to shorter more effective workouts. Now, “Functional fitness” is the […]
Teaching a Baby (Under 2 Years old) to Swim
First of all let me clearly outline that these tips are for teaching a baby to swim, BEFORE they can even comprehend direction such as, “this is how you blow bubbles’ or, “hold your breath and kick” and .. etc. This is how we taught our baby to swim even before she could talk, or […]
7 Tips for Feeding Picky Toddlers
So, the most important thing for parents to realise is that as with everything else, picky eating is just a passing phase. Some phases go on for longer than other, so to that I say, stay cool – stay relaxed.. and find that happy place. It takes a lot of self-control to not smack the […]
Organic Pesto .. recipe for kids!
I swear, my 1 year old Luca Olesya, must have been a meg gifted baseball player in her last life. She keeps throwing us these mighty curve balls with great agility. The latest being refusing to eat her baby food.. rice, porridge etc. Initially we were at our wits end trying to figure out what […]
5 Ways to Trick your Kids to Eat
The latest curve ball Luca has thrown at us, is refusing to eat. She used to be an easy baby to feed – 20 minutes tops to finish lunch or dinner. But one fine day she decided to stop opening her mouth for food. I guess it’s because our baby is growing up and with […]
5 Steps towards a Bikini Body, 12 months postpartum
Nobody said it would be easy. But it can be done. 9 months of ‘core separation’, I like to call it (where your stomach muscles literally part to make way for your growing belly) and when your back starts to ache from carrying your 10KG baby, it’s probably because your abdominal muscles aren’t pulling their […]
Breastfeeding till I was nearly blind!
If someone tells you they breastfed till they went (almost) blind, they might not be exaggerating. Because I for one, nearly lost my eyesight – I kid you not. This happened as I was driving along the duke highway at 11a.m. in bright daylight, and I could not read the huge letterings on the big […]
Taking Care of your 3 Highs
What are the 3 Highs? Before last week, I actually had no idea. But being an active person, and also a big believer in doing my annual check ups, I was in fact, already keeping tabs on my 3 Highs, without knowing it. According to National Health and Morbidity Survey 2015, nearly 1 in every […]