I’ve never been a huge fan of running gels. Some give me the runs (not make me run better LOL) and some are just too sweet leaving me feeling wired and yet tired all at the same time. Now I’ve found a new running buddy. Ningxia Nitro from Young Living. It is a quick pick-me-up […]
Archive | Training Diet
Carb Cycling – become a lean mean, fat burning machine!
With all those high protein diet fads out here, it’s no wonder that Carbohydrates have gotten some serious flak. Well, believe it or not, our muscle growth and overall wellbeing, depends on us getting in the right amount of healthy carbohydrates into our system. The challenge is to take in just the right amount of carbs, […]
We’re Training for the Yangon Marathon
Training for a Marathon is something I look forward to. I like the way I start to feel my body, my heart and legs grow stronger as the day approaches. There are ups and downs and no two training days are the same, but I really thrive on it! My appetite grows and so does […]
Lose Belly Fat in 7 Steps
Do you have a soft middle? A flabby belly? An unsightly bulge where your flat stomach should be? Well have no fear.. here are 7 easy steps to eliminate belly fat and you should see results in a week. Here are some fast tips on how to burn fat faster and get a flat beautiful […]
5 Pre-Workout Food Fundamentals
Ever had some great days at the gym and some not so great days? You know what I am talking about. Some days, you are just breezing through TRX and weights and the cardio machines. Some days you don’t. Every step is a struggle. Apart from adequate rest between workouts, did you know that what you […]
Hubby cooked this yesterday. Quinoa with meatballs and salad. I love eating this pre-workout because it give me a super boost in energy without making me feel heavy nor sluggish before hitting TRX. What makes “keen-wah” so nutritious? One of the reasons it packs energy yet digests easy is because Quinoa is a seed, not […]