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Archive | Weight Loss

5 Ways to Increase Willpower and Lose Weight

Just like muscle, will power can be strengthened so… here’s 5 easy steps to get you closer to your goals of weight loss. 1. MEDITATE or PRAY Practice getting centered, first thing in the morning, by meditating or praying for 10 minutes. If you can go for a half hour, even better. You will be […]

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run stairs

Working out with the stairs!

Working out with the stairs is a great way for women to lose weight..  Do you know the difference between long distance running and running up the stairs? Well you need bursts of energy to propel you up the stairs, so that in essence is interval training. If you do it fast, you will feel […]

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Strawberries and Grapes for Weight Loss

Pssst… sharing a secret about Strawberries and Grapes for Weight Loss!  We just got back from Cameron Highlands, and trust me, the fruits, they were a plenty especially strawberries and grapes. Home grown in the highlands and pesticide free, the strawberries and grapes were just in a class of their own. Packed with fiber and vitamins, […]

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How to Get in Shape before Christmas

Christmas is just round the corner, and with it , eating, drinking and merry making. After that, New Years Eve celebrations will see even more eating, drinking and merry making.. yikes! So, how do you get in shape before the intense partying gets into full swing?   Here’s How: 1. Stop snacking on Junk Food Clear […]

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dry hair

10 Ways to Get Slimmer, while Multi-tasking

All of us are so busy these days that it is uncommon to find somebody not multitasking. But here’s the thing – using the time to exercise might mean having to spend less time in the gym. Daily chores can be converted into fun and effective exercise to get slimmer, to tone, sculpt and train […]

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