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Ningxia Nitro for Runners

I’ve never been a huge fan of running gels.

Some give me the runs (not make me run better LOL) and some are just too sweet leaving me feeling wired and yet tired all at the same time.


Now I’ve found a new running buddy. Ningxia Nitro from Young Living.

It is a quick pick-me-up without the sugar or caffeine overload. Infused with essential oils, botanical extracts, D-ribose, Korean ginseng, Choline and Green tea extract, NingXia Nitro supports cardio activities such as running and physical fitness.


The naturally occurring caffeine content of 40mg (similar to running gels) in Young Living’s NingXia Nitro supports normal energy levels and alertness to help you with a busy day or a tough workout.

NingXia Nitro healthy energy drink incorporates the benefits of Gojiberry (or Wolfberry), green tea extract, and therapeutic essential oils into a powerful antioxidant and nutritionally energized drink. The NingXia and Chinese wolfberry have been used for thousands of years to support and energize the body and mind. Each 20ml tube contains iodine, minerals and vitamins particularly Vitamin B12 and B6 as well. Wolfberries are a natural source of calcium and magnesium, Vitamin B, and antioxidants. D-ribose sugar is the naturally occurring sugar produced in all human cells and the backbone of ATP – chemical energy produced by the body.


Stash Nitro wherever you need it – the small, convenient packaging fits into your running belt perfectly.

Love it!





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