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Tag Archives | young living

Tell me what you know about Night Terrors..? Nothing.

Last week as indeed a challenging week as a mother and parent. Our little one woke up in the middle of the night and couldn’t be comforted. Me and my hubby tried everything – water, milk, food, rocking, cuddling, singing, even walking around the room, but her wailing escalated beyond our capabilities to handle it. […]

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White Angelica in troubled times

“You have to keep breaking your heart until it opens” Rumi February has been an extremely challenging and draining month. It ended with the passing away of a fit, strong athlete and friend, and not of her own doing. She fought to wake from her coma for 2.5 months after being hit by a car […]

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Palo Santo.. Sacred wood

I found a new love this February, and it’s called, Palo Santo! I’ve also been a bit of a cardio junkie, whose been trying to calm down and incorporate more yoga in her life with much success, but more about that in another post. Back to Palo Santo. It has got a sweet yet woody […]

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Of Thieves and Lavender Dreams..

This month has been hectic with travels, and next month will be no different! We have Mauritius on the cards and possibly Reunion Island as well. Work (i.e. travel blogging) is just not slowing time anytime soon. Good and Bad. Good because it’s always fun to travel and get paid for it. Bad because, our […]

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Have oils will Travel .. Valor

So, I’ve never really liked flying nor anything associated with heights. And even when I was skydiving on the Gold Coast I did it with much fear and trepidation. But recently I found such a faithful travel companion that I just can’t leave home without it. I didn’t really believe in Essential Oils till recently […]

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5 Natural Remedies for the Occasional Sniffles!

Last week I was down with the sniffles – I’m not sick very often, but when the occasional runny nose occurs it can really throw my week off. Instead of the usual approach, I tried a dilution of Young Living’s therapeutic grade essential oils. Using organic extra virgin coconut oil as a carrier I made […]

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7 Great Uses for PanAway

What a crazy hectic week. Sometimes I forget what day of the week it is with so much going on. And one thing that keeps coming back to haunt me is a niggling discomfort in my hamstring that I overused or overextended, back in 2005. It comes especially with vigorous activity or if I’ve upped my […]

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Gentle Baby .. Can’t leave home without it!

About a couple of months back, a good friend dropped off a small vial of essential oil in my mailbox for Luca. Its label read – Gentle Baby. I didn’t think anything of it at the time, but little did I know the impact it would make on bubs sleeping habits. In the initial months, […]

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