Away in Mauritius for 3 weeks eating with the locals and traveling with the locals. Also our baby was running on less sleep than she’s used to, and eating a different diet and exposed to all the elements. Happy to report that we and our 1 year old Luca, are healthy and didn’t fall ill on our travels.

making friends and memories.
I really attribute this to Young Living products. By deciding to live a chemical free life, and choosing essential oils instead, I’ve noticed my baby’s immune system growing from strength to strength.

I kissed a girl and I liked it.
She’s kissed my strangers and hugged by other children.. oh, she also puts sand in her mouth, and licks her shoes on a daily basis (arrrgh don’t ask) but she hardly falls sick.

on the bus in Mauritius … don’t stress just slather up!
I keep Thieves sanitiser with me at all times as we take the public transport on a daily basis and luca’s hands touch all sorts of public surfaces. I rub diluted Thieves essential oils on her feet and spine, in the mornings after her bath as well, which offers a protective shield from the elements. You can say she’s a truly fit baby, or your can trust that essential oils really do work.
Also traveling smart with a baby means you might have to travel a little heavier than you usually do. We bring the Kidscents range simple because Luca’s skin, scalp, oral hygiene etc needs more attention on holiday. Drier and hotter climate means more sweat and dirt on the skin and hair. Kidscents is the perfect range for her keeping her rash free. After her bath I cover her in the lotion (which smells deliciously of Frankincense) after which, slather her in SPF100. She keeps her 10 little teeth clean and bright with Kidscents toothpaste.

best thing since sliced bread. every domestic goddess need these!
And today, back from our vacay and a ton of laundry to deal with, not to mention tired baby and husband. Also, the floor of our home felt like it was covered in a layer of grim & dust even though it’s been locked up tight.. where on earth does this dust come from?! Instead of sleep, the first thing I did was get cleaning! (haha all mum’s will get this) Hovered the entire place though I was running on 2 hours of sleep.Then, one cap of my Thieves chemical free household cleaner, 5 drops lemon essential oil in a big pail of water and start mopping. At the same time, the washing machine was buzzing with a life of its own – into the laundry 3 drops of Purification + 2 lemon. Also washed all of Luca’s new soft toys with it. My God.. what a workout. The thing I love most with the Thieves household cleaner is there’s no need to double mop. There’s no grease or stickiness left over so you don’t need to re-mop with water. I use it on every single surface including table tops and kitchen tops. I’d die without it. Boy.. I need a vacay from the vacay! 😛

My sociable baby.. she LOVES people.. kids especially!
Laundry hung, baby bath and fed and sleeping.
Sorted. Now, my turn to sleep.
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