Traveling with a 1 year old can be challenging. We used to think that traveling with a 6 month old was tough, but wait till they start running around and know what it is to feel bored or trapped when belted down at take off. Wow, then things really get interesting!
With a bit of planning you can make your life easier by say 50%.
Here’s our 5 Top tips on baby travel…
- Invest in a lightweight stroller that fits in the overhead cabin of the aeroplane. Makes rushing through customs and covering airport ground that much easier. Also, on holiday, this is a must especially when you don’t want to be tied to a 2X a day nap routine while trying to see the sights in a distant land. The stroller ensures the baby can nap on the go. Incidentally this is how our 16 month old naturally transitioned to napping once a day from twice a day.
- Pack enough diapers and formula (if you’re no longer breast-feeding). Otherwise you might end up in a strange land having to buy a different brand that your baby does not take to. Do you homework before hand – try to find accommodation near eateries and convenient stores or supermarkets. If your baby doesn’t like the food he’s served, at least there’s a back up place to go grocery shopping that doesn’t require you to travel for miles to get to.
- Bring a blanket that the baby is familiar with to help him/her sleep in new surroundings, but pack a heap of cheap toys that the baby is NOT familiar with. Give the baby one new toy at a time on the aeroplane to keep him or her happy when cranky.
- Pack bananas, biscuits and bread for the plane. The baby will want to eat at all sorts of odd hours and you don’t want to get stuck should she hate plane food. All airlines allow food for babies and it will definitely pass through checks intact. If you’re traveling to the tropics, sunblock, insect repellent and hand sanitizer are a must.
- Opt for service apartment stay. The bigger the place the better. Our toddler loves to run around and having ample space to spread herself out (haha) and a big living space usually has her less cranky. Also this means you can cook the right sort of food and nutrition for your baby. Unlike hotels where you have to eat what the menu dictates.
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