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Lose the Weight and keep it OFF! – HealthifyMe’s Diet Plan

Have you ever felt, that losing weight seems like an uphill battle?

This is totally accurate, because it is.

The body is in fact programmed to slow down it’s metabolism if it thinks the body is going into starvation (scarcity of food). So as an obese person starts to cut calories (on purpose in its pursuit of a healthier weight and lifestyle), the body will not read it as a helpful “diet” but in fact a struggle for survival – ie. that you are currently hit by famine.

Eat clean train mean! The latest addition to my family is my 2.5 years old screaming bundle of joy .. it took me a while to recover from pregnancy, but if I can do it, so can you!

So, it’s not just that you aren’t trying hard enough —your efforts to lose weight are being actively undermined by biological adaptations of your body that developed centuries ago during evolution and are now hardwired into your DNA.

The good news is that, there are small tricks that can help the obese body, reach its weight goals without slowing down its metabolism to snails pace.

If you have no idea where to start to lose weight and gain strength, let the folks who do, do it for you.

So far, in KL, there are plans out there such as DIET FIT, JOM KURUS etc that cover either one thing or the other. Usually dealing with group support – not individualised attention and certainly not customised plans.  Some other current and popular plans in KL that offer fitness plans + diet plans together for approximately 6 weeks can be on the higher side of RM900.

Now, what if I told you, that there’s one other accessible alternative (and there is!). This plan is one of the many available paid plans on HealthifyMe and with it you get not just ONE , but TWO experts who will craft a customised Diet Plan as well as Fitness Plan for you based on your needs and individual profile. The right diet, and way to go about things based on Medical expert opinion and facilitation means your metabolism will stay high and revved up, even as you start to shed the pounds. Now if this sounds too good to be true, let me tell you it’s just the tip of the iceberg. For a small fee the plan can run either 3, 6 or 12 months and you get unlimited access to your expert of choice. Not just the one off consultation. You get support, motivation as well as regular chats with your expert, all done via messages or phone calls. The price is highly competitive ie. lower than anything like it, in the market.

Imagine, not just 1, but 7 variations per meal, for 5 meals per day! (breakfast, morn snack, lunch evening snack, dinner) EATING WITHIN YOUR CALORIE COUNT for the day.. EVERYTHING planned for you. You just need to follow the Diet Plan. Even I can’t think of 7 variations per meal sitting.. HAH!

If you’re interested, give  a try by downloading this App, then organising your first free consultation. Be it a desire to TONE UP, EAT CLEAN, or SHED POUNDS, it’s all doable and customisable. Why wait, when healthy, practical achievable weight-loss is at your finger tips. Literally.



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