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5 Ways to Eat Persimmon

5 Great Ways to Eat the wonder fruit, Persimmon.. I never used to like Persimmon, till my husband introduced me to some interesting ways of preparing them. Persimmon is not only a tasty fruit, it is also a food that can clear heat, help lower blood pressure and brighten the complexion. Persimmons have been used […]

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5 Fantastic Super Saver Smoothies

Today’s health tip comes from my buddy Tom Stockwell, who lives in South Korea. He’s also an accomplished travel blogger, karaoke singer and english teacher.. but he’s mainly just a rather fun and cool guy to know. Here are his tips on how to make you own super saver smoothies!  5 Super Saver Smoothies Smoothies […]

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What are SuperFoods?

People believe, that a diet rich in superfoods will help you stay slim, be free of heart disease, and generally live longer. They believe that it will make your skin glow from the inside out, and that people will see the spring in your step. If you do fall ill, a diet rich in superfoods […]

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Cikipedia’s Guestpost on Downtown Traveler

Hi awesome readers of Cikipedia! We were just featured on Downtown Traveler, a US based, online magazine for urban travelers who crave arts, culture and adventure.. and our guestpost was on Travel Health: 10 Tips to Stay Healthy and Fit While Traveling. We are happy for the opportunity to share some Cikipedia philosophy and to spread the fitness […]

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The 5 Best Supplements For Women

Take a walk down the pharmacy isle and your head should start buzzing. With so many supplements to choose from, where should one start? Not only that, once you start down that path, does it mean that there’s no turning back? Well, the good news is that supplements, aren’t meant to be a food substitute.   […]

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10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight

The best way to stay motivated to exercise is to become a bikini model! (I’m just kidding) OK, for those who do not have the luxury of slim genes, keeping the weight down is a constant struggle. Maybe you’re at a point where being overweight is affecting your health. The doctor tells you, you need […]

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Is Coffee Bad for Me?

I am a coffee addict. I find it hard to walk around after lunch, without entering a coffee bar. I have tons of coffee bookson my coffee table at home, and I generally just love talking about coffee! Well the good new is that, studies show that we may actually be benefitting from more than just […]

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4 reasons why you have sluggish Metabolism

As we age, our metabolism slows for sure.  However, there are reasons why some might have more sluggish metabolism than others. According to Webster, metabolism is the chemical and physical processes continuously going on in living organisms. Unfortunately, not all of us living organisms have metabolisms that process continuously, at the same. Some have fast ones, […]

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