The best way to stay motivated to exercise is to become a bikini model! (I’m just kidding)
OK, for those who do not have the luxury of slim genes, keeping the weight down is a constant struggle. Maybe you’re at a point where being overweight is affecting your health. The doctor tells you, you need to shed some pounds asap. Perhaps you’ve tried everything and feel like you’re losing hope. Don’t worry, the truth of the matter is motivation isn’t something you wait for and it isn’t something that just happens when the time is right. It’s something you have to work to find, not just today, but every day.
There are books which you can read which will help kick start the motivation, which I find beneficial. Find them here, hereand here
Alongside that, here are 15 Ways, talked about by fitness experts on how to keep motivated when trying to lose weight:
1. Know Yourself
Go with the flow! Not all of us are called to be Zen like Yogi.. not all of use were made to run the marathon. Some of us might be walkers and some are dancers. If boogying is your thing, take your buddies to a Zumba class and see that it makes all the difference. If you love team games then maybe pick up volleyball and if you like something that mixes grace and strength, then maybe pole dancing!
2. Pace yourself
Taking on too much at once is a recipe for disaster. Instead of taking on a bunch of new tasks you aren’t exactly looking forward to, work on one task that you’ve been putting off, e.g. cycling. After taking on that task, decide if you like it, and if you want to continue. If cycling is not for you, decide on a new task. So one mini step at a time!
3. Eat better, not eat less
Do you only make good food choices when you are trying to lose weight? This could lead to rebound weight gain if you go back to your old habits once you’ve reached your goal. Instead of dieting, try changing your diet to incorporate more fiber and reduce trans fat instead.
4. Set reasonable goals
This is a no brainer. Don’t set yourself the task of losing 10 kgs in 3 days. Trying to achieve too much in too little time can actually set you back.
5. Turn off the negative talk
Choose to avoid negative thoughts. And when you do start to think negatively, quickly step back and remind yourself to walk away from the negative thoughts. Also, always pause and ask yourself if that greasy pizza is worth it? If you feel it’s not worth the extra KGs, don’t eat it!
6. Chill
We all need a boost now and then, and sometimes the best way to get it is by doing less and not more. Resist the urge to push yourself to your limits, and try going the other way. Treat yourself to a massage or simply sit still and just focus on your breath for 10 minutes today.. sometimes we all need a break and to just chill.
7. Cross train your habits
Mixing things up isn’t just good for your fitness plan, but it also works with your daily choices as well. Instead of binging on alcohol and fast-food when the weekend comes around, why not schedule a picnic with your family and neighbours where you pack only healthy sandwiches, fresh fruit and low sugar drinks? Breaking the vicious cycle is beneficial in keeping the weight off!
8. Vent constructively
Instead of complaining with no end in sight, list down THREE issues that got you down, than prevented you from reaching your goals this week. Focus in on one issue and come up with a way to manage it – if you had no time to exercise, list down why you had no time. And then try to find the most practical way to overcome this.
9. Keep a success journal
Documenting your successes in a journal can help build your confidence in your abilities to accomplish your goals. Write down each success no matter how small and go back and read it from time to time, to keep you motivated during the low periods.
10. Celebrate the small victories
Fitness is more like a marathon than a sprint. By setting small weekly or monthly goals you will be able to track your progress which will keep you motivated to continue as you reach them and step by step. Once you’ve achieved a goal, no matter how small, celebrate it!
Great article on keeping motivated to stay on your exercise regimen. Celebrating small victories is really a positive approach. Check out this great website about zumba & exercisedance exercise