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Magnesium Power!

Magnesium Power! Did you know that many of folks actually have low magnesium levels – a recent American nutritional study revealed. This mineral is pivotal in an athlete’s strength, endurance, and recovery. Shortage can lead to fatigue, irritability, and poor muscle performance. Men and women have different needs. The RDA (Recommended Dietary Allowance) of magnesium […]

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5 Benefits of Snorkeling!

When on an island holiday, even if we can’t dive, we make it a point to snorkel.. Why? Because there are many health benefits in snorkeling, and they are: 1. Low impact on Joints For those who are overweight, snorkeling is a wonderful alternative to running as the water supports your weight, thus putting less […]

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5 of my favourite Postures of Yoga

Here are 5 of my favourite Postures for Yoga that you can do at home, to stretch out your tight muscles. These are some postures that will mobilize the hamstrings, decompress the vertebra, assist in relieving inflammation caused by a tight IT band, and allow for deeper hip flexion and rotation. These will increase one’s […]

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Power, Speed & Agility!

If you’re going for maximum results, in the shortest time possible, here is an insanely difficult routine that will give you the cuts and body of a greek god/goddess.. (Follow us on Instagram for Inspiration and Short workout tips that are FUN and EASY to do!  Instagram : @cikipedia) Day 1: Power Bent Over Row – […]

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6 Ways to do the Push-up, for a Sexier Body!

Who says that push ups are only for men? Ladies, if you want a sexier, toner and hotter body and Abs, do push ups! God know’s it strengthens your core and makes you super sexy. Some people add to the mix supplements to get more cuts, but the pushup is probably the first muscle-building exercise workout freaks master, and […]

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10 Ways to Stay Motivated to Lose Weight

The best way to stay motivated to exercise is to become a bikini model! (I’m just kidding) OK, for those who do not have the luxury of slim genes, keeping the weight down is a constant struggle. Maybe you’re at a point where being overweight is affecting your health. The doctor tells you, you need […]

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Scuba Diving with Asthma

Scuba diving is a super popular recreational activity, abroad as well as in South East Asia where some of the most spectacular dive sites are located.  With hundreds of thousands of people becoming newly certified every year, there are also a proportion of divers who are asthmatics. In the recent past, however, people with asthma […]

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10 Reasons Why Women Should not Pump Iron!

Lifting weights can help you lose fat, slim down and get strong.. but surely that’s a man’s world. Women who lift weight are WAY too manly, unladylike and unappealing.. or are they? photo credit – Here are 10 Reasons Why Women Should Stay Away for weights! 1. You might chip a nail. 2. You may […]

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