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5 of my favourite Postures of Yoga

Here are 5 of my favourite Postures for Yoga that you can do at home, to stretch out your tight muscles.

These are some postures that will mobilize the hamstrings, decompress the vertebra, assist in relieving inflammation caused by a tight IT band, and allow for deeper hip flexion and rotation. These will increase one’s ability to maintain thoracic extension in both seated and squatting positions. The best part is that when done right, there will be a reduction in low back pain.


1. Warrior 1

Primary Musculoskeletal Benefits:
Thoracic extension coupled with shoulder and hip flexion.
Direct application for the front squat.

The important thing to remember in warrior I is that the hips face forward. Think of your hip points as headlights. They should be roughly parallel with the front of your mat.

2. Warrior 2

Unlike warrior I, above, in warrior II, the hips face the side of the mat. When moving from warrior I to warrior II, the hips and shoulders both open to the side. This is a movement that is done a lot, and not just in classes for beginners. In both warrior poses, aim to get the front thigh parallel to the floor.


3. Extended Triangle Pose

Primary Musculoskeletal Benefits:
Aids in developing and deepening the hip hinge movement pattern.
Direct application for kettlebell swing, deadlift, and kettlebell windmill.

Triangle can cause the same issues as extended side angle, so have a yoga block handy for your bottom hand. You can also rest your hand higher up on your leg, but avoid putting it directly on your knee.


4. Side Angle Pose

Primary Musculoskeletal Benefits:
Increases mobility in hip flexion, abduction, and external rotation.
Lengthening lats.
Direct application for all squatting patterns and overhead presses.

The accepted modification of extended side angle pose is the bring your forearm to your thigh instead of your hand to the floor. This allows you to stay open across the shoulders


5. Half Downward Dog

Primary Musculoskeletal Benefits:
Lengthens and mobilizes the entire superficial back line while decompressing spine.
Benefits ankle mobility and Achilles tendon.

Try to remember to keep your weight mostly in your legs, your butt high, and your heel reaching toward the floor. Extend the other leg to the back, straight and high above you. Point your toes for added difficulty. Bending your knees a little or a lot is an accepted modification for people with tight hamstrings. Eventually, this pose becomes a resting posture.

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