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Essential Oils for Athletes

If there’s one thing that might be more important than working out, it has got to be recovery. Recovery though important, is constantly overlooked by athletes. If your body doesn’t repair or heal, how can it keep going and performing at optimum capacity? Well the great news is that, you don’t have to do recovery […]

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5 Ways to Brighten Your Smile!

Good dental habits are cultivated from a young age. Even now, our 1-year-old, Luca is already brushing her teeth daily.. with help from mummy of course.. but you know what they say, good habits die-hard.. so, it’s never too early. Here are 5 ways to keep a healthy, bright smile for a lifetime! 1. Brush […]

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Essential Oils for Men – Shutran

Every year is a struggle to figure out, what to buy my man for his birthday. Most presents are usually met with an, “Oh, you bought this..” Anyway this year and this month, I decided to get him something beneficial for him as well as for us! Shutran for men, from Young Living. It’s touted […]

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5 Tips to Great Skin, for women who exercise

Life as a runner can be rewarding. Clocking the miles and really feeling your legs pumping for 21KM is such an exhilarating high. It’s like you never want to come down from it. But another fact is, this. My skin has suffered the price. I’m constantly in the sun and I have fine wrinkles all […]

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Of Thieves and Lavender Dreams..

This month has been hectic with travels, and next month will be no different! We have Mauritius on the cards and possibly Reunion Island as well. Work (i.e. travel blogging) is just not slowing time anytime soon. Good and Bad. Good because it’s always fun to travel and get paid for it. Bad because, our […]

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How to Stay Slique on your Travels

So the life of a travel blogger, a fitness nutritionist and a mom, is no easy task. And definitely not as semi-charmed as some might believe. It’s great that I get to live the life I love, yes. But it also means extra hard work trying to keep my shit together my family’s health, daily […]

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Have oils will Travel .. Valor

So, I’ve never really liked flying nor anything associated with heights. And even when I was skydiving on the Gold Coast I did it with much fear and trepidation. But recently I found such a faithful travel companion that I just can’t leave home without it. I didn’t really believe in Essential Oils till recently […]

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