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Tag Archives | exercise

Roman Chair .. the major quad burner!

I’m not sure if everyone is a morning person, but I certainly am. I like to workout while the world slumbers.. and usually, my routine even at 35 weeks pregnant, involves, a 1 hour run, body weight or weights training,  finishing off with homemade raw juice of siu pak choy (chinese chard or napa cabbage), […]

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Butt Blasters while on the Go

The life of a travel blogger is hard. One hardly has time to work out especially while on the move. Here’s one quick butt workout I like to do when I don’t have much time. Or space. I like to call them, my Butt Blasters. If you can do these for 20 minutes, every other […]

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5 Ways to Jump Start Your Metabolism !

How to boost your metabolism in 5 easy steps… 1. Jump start your Metabolism Instead of a steady walk on the treadmill, try burpees, boxing, jump rope to kick start your workout. You’ll burn fat more efficiently this way. In a short time, these simple but explosive old-school moves activate your upper-and lower-body muscles and quickly […]

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5 Benefits of Snorkeling!

When on an island holiday, even if we can’t dive, we make it a point to snorkel.. Why? Because there are many health benefits in snorkeling, and they are: 1. Low impact on Joints For those who are overweight, snorkeling is a wonderful alternative to running as the water supports your weight, thus putting less […]

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How to Build Muscle the Right Way

More tips on how to build muscle the right way… read on! DON’T BE DEPENDENT ON THE WEIGHT BELT A weight belt is good if you are going for maximum weight such as while doing the squats, deadlifts and overhead press. But if you’re not then being dependent on a weight belt just weakens your […]

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Chromium & Exercise

One of the supplements that has garnered a lot of interest in the fitness and body building world, would be Chromium. Because chromium supplements are purported to increase lean body mass (LBM) and decrease body fat during resistance training, it sounds like the prefect addition to one’s fitness regime. But does Chromium really do everything […]

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