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I want to Win a Healthy Weekend Holiday with Cikipedia!

Calling all fans of Cikipedia!

Here is a cool prize for all you die hard fans of Cikipedia.. why? Because we want to reward you for being such cool fitness freaks and your never say die attitude. At Cikipedia, we love your dedication to fitness and health, and we want to present you with some “ME TIME” for some R&R!

Take a look at this contest. Easy isn’t it? Contest runs from TODAY till the 5th of April 2013. Most likes OR best slogan might just win… so Share Share SHARE! (Head on down to our FaceBook page now)

For more info, check out the NEWLY REFURBISHED PJ Hilton .. It is now sporting an awesome, spanking new look!

Win a weekend stay with Cikipedia!


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3 Responses to I want to Win a Healthy Weekend Holiday with Cikipedia!

  1. David Wang March 25, 2013 at 3:25 am #

    Hmm.. i think I will sit this one out 😛

    • ciki March 25, 2013 at 10:09 am #

      what a shame! haha 😛

  2. missyblurkit March 26, 2013 at 2:41 am #

    Time to put on the thinking cap.

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