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Supersets in Yogyakarta !

Finding a safe place to run is not always easy, when traveling. More so if you are also a travel blogger who has to leave early in the morning to catch the sunrise, and not in bed till long after sunset! Well, I like to do my supersets in the gym, whenever I have a […]

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Magical nutrition.. Magic Mushrooms!

Shopping for mushrooms today! Portobello mushrooms are delish. Best thing is that they are nutrient dense too. They have a great balance of macronutrients ie. – protein and carbs, and they are low in fat. A 100-gram grilled serving contains just over 3 grams of protein, about 4 1/2 grams of carbs and just over […]

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6 Fun Facts about Apricots

I love fresh Apricots. Even more so than the dried ones. Fresh apricots are excellent sources of several important nutrients, including fiber, potassium and antioxidant carotenoids. The drying process actually degrades a fruit’s content of water-soluble and heat-sensitive vitamins such as vitamin C – however, other nutrients do become more concentrated. Dried apricots actually provide […]

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Fishing for a Healthy Heart?

Steamed fish is unbeatable when it comes to heart-healthy cooking: there’s no need for added fat, and flavour and nutrients are locked in. Serve this ginger-shallots, rice wine steamed fish with brown rice for a satisfying meal! Aromatic, pungent and spicy, ginger adds a special flavor and zest to cooking, but is really good for […]

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Nuts about your Heart..? Eat Almonds!

Are you Nuts about Almonds? I am! Almonds are good for the heart they lowering cholesterol, and reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and high quality protein. These nuts are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, which seems to protect against […]

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The benefits of Yoga for Runners

If you’ve ever had a running injury, then yoga could be a critical piece of your get-faster or get-better plan. Yoga can improving strength, flexibility, and mental focus. Studies have also shown that yoga squashes stress, aids weight loss, eases pain, helps people stick to an exercise routine, and even improves running times. The strength and […]

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How much Protein is Enough?

Did you know, that your protein needs are actually not determined by your sex (ie. male need more v.s. female), but rather on your mass the amount you exercise, your lifestyle and your life goals. Are you happy with an average body, or do you want to look like Jessica Alba on the cover of […]

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The mighty Dragon Fruit!

I am a big fan of this Red Beauty.., the Dragon Fruit, Aren’t you ? It’s juicy and sweet, but surprisingly low in calories. Low in calories and filling, dragon fruit makes a good choice for anyone watching his calories. One small dragon fruit, weighing 150 grams, but has just 60 calories, i.e. it has […]

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Being candid about Coconut Oil

Fat will kill you. That’s what we were told growing up. These days, we know that it is in fact, sugar that will kill you, and certain good fats will actually prolong your life. Science had indeed done a 180° where saturated fats are concerned. Coconut oil is made up of beneficial medium-chain fatty acids, […]

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