I love fresh Apricots.
Even more so than the dried ones.
Fresh apricots are excellent sources of several important nutrients, including fiber, potassium and antioxidant carotenoids. The drying process actually degrades a fruit’s content of water-soluble and heat-sensitive vitamins such as vitamin C – however, other nutrients do become more concentrated. Dried apricots actually provide higher levels of most nutrients, ounce for ounce, than their fresh counterparts. But for a great boost of vit C and antioxidants, opt for the fresh fruits instead.
The impressive health benefits of apricots are due to the content of vitamins, including vitamins A, C, K, E, and niacin in significant amounts, as well as a number of other essential vitamins in trace amounts (less than 5% of daily requirement), as well as their mineral content, which includes potassium, copper manganese, magnesium, and phosphorous. Apricots are also a very good source of dietary fiber, like most fruits.
Here are 6 fun facts about Apricots..
1. One apricot has only 17 calories. Apricots are an excellent source of vitamin A and a good source of vitamin C, dietary fiber, and potassium.
2. The fruit is a member of the rosaceae or rose family and is closely related to the similar-looking peach and plum. In Latin, the apricot is called praecocquum, which means “early-ripening peach.”
3. Apricots originated in Asia more than 4,000 years ago, migrating to Persia and the Mediterranean before Spanish explorers brought them to the United States. In China, apricots were once called “moons of the faithful” and were thought to enhance women’s fertility.
4. Apricots are rich in fiber and are therefore good for smooth bowel movements. Fiber stimulates the gastric and digestive juices that help absorb the nutrients and break down the food for easier processing. Furthermore, fiber also activates the peristaltic motion of the digestive tract.
5. Apricots contain a good amount of calcium, phosphorous, manganese, iron, and copper which all play a certain role in the creation of bone matter. Therefore, eating apricots regularly can protect against osteoporosis.
6. The high amount of vitamin-C, as well as potassium and dietary fiber, all contribute to good cardiovascular health. Vitamin-C protects the heart from free radicals, potassium lowers blood pressure by relaxing the tension of blood vessels and arteries, while dietary fiber scrapes the excess cholesterol from the lining of the vessels and arteries, thereby clearing them and reducing the strain on the heart.
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