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Tag Archives | antioxidants

5 Supernuts, You should be nuts about!

If you’re eager to boost your body’s levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants, look no further than the walnut. Walnuts and Almonds are the superhero’s or should I say, super nuts of the world. They are incredibly high in antioxidants, which can fight the free-radical damage that contributes to cancer, heart disease, premature aging and cell death. […]

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Eating Clean on Holiday

Eating clean while on holiday is tough, but if you want to have less tears post holiday (when you try to put on your skinny jeans, or step on the scales), then eating clean is paramount. Even if you cannot eat clean every single meal, the best way is to start off each morning right, […]

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6 Fun Facts about Apricots

I love fresh Apricots. Even more so than the dried ones. Fresh apricots are excellent sources of several important nutrients, including fiber, potassium and antioxidant carotenoids. The drying process actually degrades a fruit’s content of water-soluble and heat-sensitive vitamins such as vitamin C – however, other nutrients do become more concentrated. Dried apricots actually provide […]

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Is Wine really Good for the Heart?

You keep hearing, time and time again, that red wine is good for the heart. But is it true? While red wine does help in reducing blood pressure, providing antioxidants, and a substance called resveratrol, moderation is key. Because if you overdo it, the other end of the spectrum is alcoholism, and that’s a place […]

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The Fantastic Fig!

There’s nothing like a huge bowl of plain, sugar-free Greek Yoghurt to kick-start my day in the mornings. Well that, and figs. Instead of reaching for the sweetened yogurts, I find adding “live foods” and natural sugars, to my plain yoghurt, in the form of fiber rich fruits, so much more appealing. Figs are a sweet […]

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5 Benefits of Grape Seed Oil

So what’s the most healthy oil that you have in your kitchen? I think most folks would say, Olive oil. Thanks to its healthy fats i.e. monounsaturated fats and antioxidant vitamin E, olive oil is prized for its protective properties on the heart, but lately, olive oil has gotten some steep competition in the nutrition […]

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5 Fantastic Health Foods that don’t seem like Health Foods

In Asia, we are blessed with interesting condiments and spices. So many of our ingredients that spice up our food and lend flavour, are actually good for us. Here are five powerful health-enhancing foods, that don’t seem like health foods, but are terrific sources of minerals and antixoidants. However please note that it is very important to consult your physician […]

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5 Ways to Treat Sore Muscles

So you’ve worked out hard all week and your muscles are feeling the brunt of your punishing routine. Your muscles are screaming out in anguish and your body is about to give up with the aches and pains. Have no fear. Here are 5 Ways to treat Sore Muscles .. pain be gone! CHERRY JUICE […]

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