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5 Supernuts, You should be nuts about!

If you’re eager to boost your body’s levels of cancer-fighting antioxidants, look no further than the walnut.

Walnuts and Almonds are the superhero’s or should I say, super nuts of the world. They are incredibly high in antioxidants, which can fight the free-radical damage that contributes to cancer, heart disease, premature aging and cell death. They are also great for weight control as these snacks fill you up, but with good fats, not the bad ones.

Did you know, that 1 gram of walnuts contains nearly 70 units of polyphenols? Polyphenols can be something like 15 times more potent than antioxidants found in vitamin E

Here are 5 Nuts that are incredibly good for you… super nuts if you like :

Brazil nuts

they contain a high content of healthy unsaturated fats, otherwise known as “good” forms of cholesterol or omega-3 fatty acids. This includes oleic acid and palmitoleic acid. These varieties of unsaturated fats have been connected with balancing the cholesterol profile of the body and improving general heart health. The selenium in Brazil nuts, which is often the most praised aspect of this nut, is great for giving the skin a healthy glow and improves the elasticity of the skin, thereby preventing premature aging. This is possible because selenium stimulates the activity of glutathione, a powerful antioxidant compound that can remove free radicals from the skin cells that cause wrinkles and even skin cancer. Selenium plays a major role in the proper functioning of your thyroid gland. The thyroid gland is where some of the most essential hormones in the body are produced, distributed, and regulated from. By ensuring proper functioning of your thyroid gland (and the production of thyroid itself) the high concentration of selenium will ensure that your bodily processes are maintained and your metabolism remains strong. The high zinc content in Brazil nuts has been shown to protect against acne or lessen its appearance. This can be achieved through normal consumption of the nuts or by application of Brazil nut oil on the affected area. The rich vitamin and antioxidant content of the oil is the main cause behind this protective quality. The high fiber concentration, overall nutrient density, proteins, and complex carbohydrates that are in each and every Brazil nut makes it quite filling, meaning that you are less inclined to snack incessantly and tack on those extra calories with unhealthy snacks.


contain good amounts of mono-unsaturated fatty acids like oleic acid and antioxidants. Regular consumption of pistachios in the diet may help lowering total as well as bad LDL cholesterol and increase good HDL cholesterol levels within the blood. Pista kernels are rich source of many anti-oxidant phyto-chemical substances such as carotenes, vitamin E, and polyphenolic antioxidant compounds. Research studies suggest that these compounds may help remove toxic free-radicals from the body, and thus, protect it from diseases, cancers, and infections. Pistachios are excellent sources of vitamin-E; especially rich in gamma-tocopherol; compose about 23 g per100 g. vitamin E is a powerful lipid-soluble antioxidant essential for maintaining the integrity of cell membranes of mucosa and skin. In addition, vitamin E too works as scavengers of harmful Free oxygen radicals. The nuts are packed with many important B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates. They are the storehouse of minerals like copper, manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium. 100 g nuts provide 144% of daily-recommended levels of copper. Copper is an essential trace mineral that is required in neuro-transmission, metabolism, as well as red blood cell (RBC) prodution.


Pecan nuts are rich source of many phyto-chemical substances that may contribute to their overall antioxidant activity, including polyphenolic antioxidant ellagic acid, vitamin E, beta-carotene, lutein and zea-xanthin. Research studies have been suggestive of that these compounds help the body remove toxic oxygen-free radicals and thus, protect the body from diseases, cancers, as well as infections. Anti-proliferative properties of ellagic acid is because of its ability to inhibit DNA binding of certain carcinogens such as nitrosamines and polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons, thus, offering protection to human body from cancers. Pecans are an excellent source of vitamin-E, especially rich in gamma-tocopherol; provide about 25 g per 100 g. Vitamin E is a powerful lipid soluble antioxidant, required for maintaining the integrity of cell membrane of mucus membranes and skin by protecting it from harmful oxygen-free radicals. he nuts are very rich sources of several important B-complex groups of vitamins such as riboflavin, niacin, thiamin, pantothenic acid, vitamin B-6, and folates. Together, these vitamins work as co-factors for the enzyme metabolism inside the human body.The nuts are also rich source of minerals like manganese, potassium, calcium, iron, magnesium, zinc, and selenium.


Almonds are good for the heart they lowering cholesterol, and reducing the risk of cancer and heart disease. Almonds are a great source of vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and high quality protein. These nuts are one of the richest sources of vitamin E, which seems to protect against UV light damage and Alzheimer’s disease. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant that defends your cells against damage on a daily basis and prevents artery-clogging oxidation of cholesterol. Almonds are a source of vitamin E, copper, magnesium, and high quality protein. Almonds also contain high levels of healthy unsaturated fatty acids in addition to a lot of bioactive molecules (such as fiber, phytosterols, vitamins, other minerals, and antioxidants) which can help prevent cardiovascular heart diseases. By munching away on almonds you can top up on important minerals such as Magnesium, Potassium & Manganese.


Both nuts and seeds contain certain plant sterols that help promote the production of progesterone in women. Progesterone is a female hormone that is responsible for regulating ovulation and menstrual cycles, which is helpful if you are having trouble conceiving. When you become pregnant, your levels of progesterone begin to rise to help support a healthy pregnancy. Plant sterols are fatty compounds found in raw seeds and nuts that encourage your body to release appropriate amounts of progesterone. The key is to eat the plants and seeds raw to get the most of these beneficial plant sterols. Add raw walnuts and almonds to your diet as it is a great way to increase your intake of plant sterols. Walnuts may help reduce not only the risk of prostate cancer, but breast cancer as well. Walnuts contain the amino acid l-arginine, which offers multiple vascular benefits to people with heart disease, or those who have increased risk for heart disease due to multiple cardiac risk factors. Walnuts also contain the plant-based omega-3 fat alpha-linolenic acid (ALA), which is anti-inflammatory and may prevent the formation of pathological blood clots. Research shows that people who eat a diet high in ALA are less likely to have a fatal heart attack and have a nearly 50 percent lower risk of sudden cardiac death. Walnuts contain antioxidants that are so powerful at free-radical scavenging that researchers called them “remarkable,” and research has shown that walnut polyphenols may help prevent chemically-induced liver damage.  They also contain a number of neuroprotective compounds, including vitamin E, folate, melatonin, omega-3 fats, and antioxidants. Research shows walnut consumption may support brain health, including increasing inferential reasoning in young adults.

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