What a crazy hectic week. Sometimes I forget what day of the week it is with so much going on.
And one thing that keeps coming back to haunt me is a niggling discomfort in my hamstring that I overused or overextended, back in 2005. It comes especially with vigorous activity or if I’ve upped my running mileage like for example training for a marathon.
Well this week has been packed with activities.. to say the least..

being interviewed for Astro – War for the Planet of the Apes is a must watch! for me – best show all year.. (so far :P)
Travel, Lifestyle events.. as well as Fitness events..
Oh and covering visiting chefs, also meant that my nutrition was a bit all over the place.. not exactly eating clean all the time…

busy busy week, indeed – nutrition, smoothie session with Adidas runners and Influencers
But alongside all this also caring for an 11 month old baby and making sure her nutrition is always right – not easy.
So, the tightness and soreness in my hamstring came back as I’d been running every single day last week, with HIIT, and skip rope thrown in. Also dashing about for Influencer events and Social Media events.. trust me, sleep is overrated!
Well, I’ve, or more accurately the entire household has, recently become a Young Living Essential Oils convert. If you sports guys out there have not heard of PanAway, you’re hearing about it now. PanAway, is an excellent blend of essential oils that was specifically designed for muscle discomfort following exercise. Here’s the best part, it contains the NATURAL, 100% plant source constituents, methyl salicylate, gamma-curcumene, menthol, and eugenol. So instead of constantly reaching for chemically engineered painkillers, why not try something 100% natural instead.
And the Pharmacist in me, had to dig a little deeper.. breaking it down further, Panaway contains :
1. Wintergreen leaf oil – contains 85-99% of methyl salicylate (ring a bell.. aspirin!) the same active ingredient as birch and is beneficial in massage for soothing head tension and muscles after exercising.
2. Helichrysum italicum flower oil – known for its restorative properties – reduces inflammation by removing toxins from the body, prevents bruising and blood clots, relaxes tight muscles and connective tissue,
promotes cellular regeneration
3. Clove oil – natural anesthetic and antibacterial. Helps to support healthy immunity. An important ingredient in Young Living’s Thieves blend as well, its principal constituent is eugenol.
4. Peppermint oil – Mint is one of the most famous natural herbs used for its analgesic, anti-inflammatory, antispasmodic, antioxidant, and vasoconstrictor effects.
All natural, no chemicals, smells great! That’s like three YES’s, wouldn’t you say? 🙂 As a pharmacist, I’ve used many painkiller rubs before, and trust me, this works better than a lot of products out there in the market.
Here are 7 great uses for PanAway Young Living Essential Oil (YLEO) :
1. For Hamstring Discomfort or Tension – YLEO oils are highly concentrated (the good stuff!) so you can easily dilute it – I like to use one drop EO to 1 drop vegetable oil (use extra virgin organic coconut oil) massage into area for 20 minutes. Starting with a light massage and going deeper, depending on how strong you like you massages. You can add PanAway to Peppermint, Copaiba, Lemongrass and Peppermint too (more on these in subsequent posts) – all these have good results. Great for muscle discomfort, such as my tight hamstring.
2. For Muscle Soreness in the Neck – Hubby had a sore neck this week. With gentle stretching and massaging and more stretching (from neck down to scapula, then lower back and butt), all the while working Panaway into his back, shoulder and neck – the discomfort was gone by the end of the 20 minute massage (ask him! LOL) With neck strain the problem might manifest in the neck but it could be the body compensating so the actual injury could originate in the shoulder, or even as low as the lower back or gluteus maximus. You need to gently find all the knots and release them. Using sweet almond oil as a carrier is ideal because you can use more oil to knead the weary muscles – rather than use too much of the EO.
3. Stressed nerves all over the body – if you’ve been standing all day or running around non-stop then you probably have stressed nerves and joints, lower back, legs and feet. Drop Panaway into your bath with espom salts. The Magnesiums is great for muscles and the warm bath coupled with PanAway should reduce muscle fatigue and comfort your weary body in no time.
4. Localized soreness at the temples – use 1 drop rubbed into the tense part of a headache, either behind the ears, at the base of the skull, on the forehead, or the temples. Again test that you are not allergic to YLEO concentrate before you do this. Me and hubby have no problem with the oils (maybe we have thick skin!) so we go straight in with the oils. Otherwise use a 50-50% dilution with a vegetable carrier oil.
5. Localized soreness of the abdomen – a great one for the time of month! Rub over the belly then add a heat compress. Works wonders for me. Wintergreen has anti-nausea benefits and soothing effects on the gastric lining and colon because of its ability to reduce muscle spasms, making it a natural remedy for nausea. You can rub Panaway over your abdomen, stomach and lower back and the wintergreen component in the mixture will help improve blood flow and prevent cramping or discomfort.
6. Localized bumps – My hubby bumps himself a lot playing basketball and touch rugby. I rub in two drops into the area and he immediately feels relief.
7. Digit soreness – Refer to the above. Again hubby and legendary his basketball injuries. Sprained thumb, fingers.. you name it, he’s had it before. One drop massaged in and the alleviation if discomfort is almost immediate.
For more information on essential oils drop me a message !
How to Use
For aromatic use. Apply to the bottoms of feet and follow with topical application on location. Rub on temples, back of neck, or forehead, or inhale for a soothing effect. Use with a warm compress along the spine.
Disclaimer : Possible skin sensitivity so always check with a small dab to a small skin surface area first. If PREGNANT or under a doctor’s care, CONSULT your physician. Dilute before using on sensitive areas such as the face, neck, genital area, etc. Keep out of reach of children. AVOID using on infants and very small children.
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