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Tag Archives | diet

5 Great Sources of Iron for Women

Did you know that iron is a trace mineral (a micronutrient), and its deficiency causes fatigue and tiredness in the gym? If you find you lack energy to lift weights or to sustain cardio till the end of the class, then it could well be iron deficiency. Muscle soreness and post workout fatigue are also […]

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Race Day Diet

How should I plan my Race Day Diet, in the days leading up to my race? As race day approaches, runners are winding down on training and starting to prepare for the big day. One of the most important aspects of running a good race, is nutrition. Here are our tips for race day diet.. […]

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Food Trends for 2013

What are the food trends we will be seeing in 2013? How will people be shopping and what kind of products will find its way into homes and onto the dinner table? Here are our predictions for 2013, on food trends that you will see : 1. The increase of The Informed Shopper In this […]

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nasi kandar

Beat the Afternoon Sleepiness

It’s just so hard to beat that Afternoon Sleepiness.. especially after a big meal.. So you’ve got a huge meeting scheduled for 2pm, right after lunch. You seem to have trouble keeping awake and this has been happening more often in the afternoons. How do you kick, the afternoon sleepiness? Here are 5 Easy Tips: […]

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The Paleo Diet – Good or Rubbish?

My uncle’s practitioner advised him to adopt the Paleo diet to reduce cholesterol and blood sugar. He asked me what I thought, and also if it’s an ideal way to lose weight. It recommends avoiding dairy, sugar, grains and legumes. Is this the answer to most of his health problems? It is a known fact […]

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What are SuperFoods?

People believe, that a diet rich in superfoods will help you stay slim, be free of heart disease, and generally live longer. They believe that it will make your skin glow from the inside out, and that people will see the spring in your step. If you do fall ill, a diet rich in superfoods […]

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Pinole, pretty please!

Another one of my secret weapons for long distance running, is the Pinole. Pinole is a Spanish translation of an Aztec word often called “La comida del desierto” (food of the dessert) and is a form of parched corn. It is toasted maize kernels, often in a mixture with a variety of herbs and ground […]

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