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Core Abs Workout

The Core Challenge .. are you IRON enough?  Do you wanna have iron abs in that itsy bitsy teeny bikini? No loose skin, no orange peel.. just abs of steel?    HERE GOES…  READY.. SET.. GO!  20 Seconds Ball (refer to photo – hands lightly support, muscle control comes from your lower ab)  20 push […]

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photo credit - healthhabits [dot] ca

The New Rules of Abs

Crunches are out, Planks are in. Gone are the days when you would painstakingly do a million crunches with the hopes of getting that beautiful ab sections (called the 6-pack) that everybody dreams about. Not only that.. the scary truth is that crunches are bad for your spinal discs which are parts of your body […]

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6 Ways to do the Push-up, for a Sexier Body!

Who says that push ups are only for men? Ladies, if you want a sexier, toner and hotter body and Abs, do push ups! God know’s it strengthens your core and makes you super sexy. Some people add to the mix supplements to get more cuts, but the pushup is probably the first muscle-building exercise workout freaks master, and […]

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abs smootie

Best Abs Breakfast

Since we are on the topic of Abs this week, here’s one for breakfast, which will not make you break a sweat! The Ultimate, Abs Diet, Power Smoothie Serves 2 1 cup skimmed milk/low fat milk 2 tablespoons low-fat vanilla yogurt 3/4 cup instant oatmeal, microwaved in water 1 cup of cubed mangos 2 teaspoons […]

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v up

Best Exercises for a Six Pack

The elusive six pack! How to be the envy of all your mates? It takes hard work and a lot of dedication for sure.. but there is one more secret. Cardio is key. You need to run for at least 40 minutes, and then start on these top 7 core strengthening exercises to build your six pack. […]

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