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Eat Fat, Get Skinny – Avocado

There is nothing skinny about an Avocado.

In fact, it is all fat. OK, maybe not all, but 3/4 of it consists of monounsaturated fats, called oleic acid.

But, the good news is that monounsaturated fat is considered to be a “good fat” which reduces levels of bad cholesterol in your blood and lowers your risk of stroke and heart disease!


Thank God that Science has now proven that one of my favorite foods is good.. good for the health.

Alongside these beneficial properties, Avocado is also packed with Protein , Energy (in the form of Sugar, but not too much), Vitamins and Minerals and Fibre. Now that’s what I call, a super food!

Protein content – an average avocado contains around 4 grams of protein, which is much more than most other fruits. Sugar content – avocado’s sugar content is low compared to other fruits. Half an avocado contains approximately 0.2 g of sugar. Vitamin & mineral content – avocados are an excellent source of potassium (containing more per weight than bananas). In addition, avocados are rich in vitamin K, Vitamin B9, vitamin B6, vitamin B5 vitamin C, and vitamin E. Dietary fiber content – a medium avocado contains 11 grams of fiber, which is close to half of the daily recommended minimum intake


Apart from being all these incredibly beneficial things, avocados most outstanding properties are that they lower cholesterol levels, reduce the risk of diabetes, promote lower body weight, and prevent cancer (contain phytochemicals).

Avocado consumption is associated with better diet quality and nutrient intake, and lower metabolic syndrome, reduces body weight, BMI (body mass index), and waist circumference.

Eat Fat, Lose weight! And it’s tasty too. Can’t ask for a better companion on the breakfast table!

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2 Responses to Eat Fat, Get Skinny – Avocado

  1. Macky May 21, 2014 at 8:19 pm #

    Your piece on the Avocado reminded me of my childhood days in the province. There the avocado was bountiful and we enjoyed having it with milk.

    • ciki May 22, 2014 at 7:12 am #

      Awesome way to eat it! I also like it in my shakes so yea.. milk is the way to go.. but for me, soymilk!:)

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