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5 Ways to Make a Healthy Cookie Ice cream Sandwich

When the weather gets hot, it’s the perfect time for some ice-cream or ice-cream cookie sandwiches.

But how do you reduce the fat and sugar content, and make it healthier for the kids?

Here are 5 Ways to make a Healthy Cookie Ice Cream Sandwich..

ice cream sandwich

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1. Start with a Healthy Cookie

Use cookie recipes that use less sugar, have no hydrogenated fat, contain all-natural ingredients and as much whole-grain flour as possible. Make sure the cookie is chewy and pliable, but also soft so that when you bite into it, it gives way, but still keeps the ice-cream between it. Try these recipes.

2. Use super frozen ice-cream

This is a no brainer. Use really hard ice-cream because it will melt in the heat fast anyway. If you can, use low-fat ice-cream as this will reduce the unhealthy levels in your snack. To reduce sugar, try stevia.  If your kids aren’t fussy, you may substitute ice-cream with yogurt instead or try almond milk. Here’s a video on how to do that.

3. Think about the match

For example, black sesame with vanilla, peanut butter with strawberry or ginger-molasses cookie with wasabi ice cream.

4. The size

Make them thick enough to hold, but not so fat that you can’t get your mouth around it

5. Add a salty or bitter dimension

Before you finish off your sandwich, adding a salty dimension to the sweet, will definitely elevate the experience. Spread a thin layer of salted caramel, salted butterscotch or dark chocolate sauce on a cookie before sandwiching with ice cream.


What is your favourite Ice Cream Sandwich snack… care to share? 


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