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The Papaya

Here in Malaysia, we are lucky that the papaya, once thought to be an exotic fruit, is readily available, and in abundance. Poets and authors have likened its scent to that of an ethereal, otherworldly experience. Deliciously sweet with musky undertones and a soft, butter-like consistency, it is no wonder the papaya was reputably called […]

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Why Eat Raw Food?

The Raw Food Diet is based on the belief that food that is uncooked and in its natural state, is best for the body. Although most food is eaten raw, heating food is acceptable as long as the temperature stays below 42 degrees Celsius. The fundamentals of the raw food dietclaim your body’s ability to absorb nutrients is enhanced through the […]

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12 Superfoods for Better Sex

Ever tired getting into the mood, after a stressful day? Chances are.. you’re not going to get very far. It is the mind, afterall, that is instrumental in determining sexual performance and sex drive in men and women alike. Despite this, foods that we consume can play a vital role in determining sexual performance too. […]

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Lose Fat with the Mediterranean Diet , Part 2 – Liquid Gold

THE Spanish call it el oro líquido (liquid gold), and it’s no wonder. The olive tree, that symbol of peace and wisdom, contributes so much to the robust and ruddy health of those who use its oil regularly. For her 51st wedding anniversary, mum-in-law was especially pleased to receive a bottle of Tuccioliva Matilda 0.7 […]

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Top 13 Anti-Aging Items, Essential for your Youth!

Aging is something all women shudder to think about. It is characterized by wrinkles, lack of energy, libido, memory loss, declined physical capacity, mental and logical sharpness, and worse still, it might herald the incoming of diseases like cardiac problems, diabetes, blood pressure, or arthritis. Visits to the hair salon that used to be sporadic […]

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7 Foods that Can Keep you Looking Young

Have you ever wondered why your face looks older when you are down and depressed or stressed, but it immediately looks 10 years younger when you are happy and on holiday? Well, we cannot always have the ideal life, and many of us juggle our careers, kids and what have you. The good news is […]

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