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An Active holiday in Barbados

An Active holiday in Barbados full of yoga, jogging and water sports!

Cheap package holidays to Barbados come weighed down with a few clichés, mostly related to lounging on beaches and sipping rum punches. Tell a friend you are going on holiday to the Caribbean island and you’re likely to provoke rolls of the eyes and comments such as ‘living the life of Riley now aren’t we?’

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But that shouldn’t be the case. There are plenty of reasons now to regard Barbados as one of the top destinations for unwinding in a manner than is not so much decadent as detoxifying. The hard fact of most people’s busy lives is that we don’t find enough time to exercise the body in the right way. A yoga class snatched here and there, or the odd run in the park is all we can manage. What a physically active Barbados holiday can offer is a chance to see how physical activity can form a more holistic part of your life.

The first ingredient of a physical and emotional lift on the island sometimes called simply Bim must be water sports. With more than 70 miles of sun-soaked, palm fringed beaches, you will never have a more welcoming setting to try out snorkelling or scuba diving. Exploring the rich variety of marine life, coral reefs and shipwrecks, you will be so absorbed in the submarine world that you will forget you are also improving your physical wellbeing. There are many reputable schools with qualified instructors who will ensure your safety is a priority, leaving you to concentrate on the gorgeous and colourful sights before your eyes.

Ingredient number two, once you’ve taken in the subaquatic element, is a land-based exercise such as yoga or even simply jogging. The difference is the location. In Barbados you can take your yoga mat outside to a grass knoll atop a cliff looking out over the sparkling waters of the Caribbean. With schools offering different classes including Ashtanga Yoga, Circle Dance and the energetic Rock Om, you are bound to find something to suit you.

The final tip for rejuvenating your body in the company of Bajans is: indulge a little as well. A spot of massage or aromatherapy in one of the many luxurious spa retreats will reward you for your exertions. And never mind the clichés – why not round it off with a rum punch. The secret to healthy living is all about combining exercise with pleasure and wellbeing – much easier to remember in this Caribbean paradise than heaving away on a rowing machine in the gym.

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