This week has been a challenging one. Luca my 11 month old has been sprouting new teeth and really cranky at night. I was down with the flu which means not much running got done , which means I was feeling even more crappy and low on energy levels. Wow, what an incredibly tiring week. […]
Archive | July, 2017
Healthy Minced Meat Porridge with Broccoli, Carrots & Cauliflower Recipe
This is the period of getting creative and cooking different types of porridge for Luca so that she doesn’t get bored with eating the same sort of semi-solids as she transitions to solids. She is nearly 1-year-old now and has a pretty handsome set of front row teeth already;) I wash all my veggies and […]
Aromatic Saturdays – My journey into the World of Aromatic Studies
Weekends are all about family time, and also me time. This year is all about self-improvement – I put a lot of things on hold since completing my Fitness Nutrition course, thanks to having a baby (busy busy) but now, it’s time to keep learning and improving myself once more. I’m currently delving into the […]
Mint Berries Protein Smoothie & Mint Mocha Protein Smoothie
Two fabulous Protein Smoothies I had the pleasure of sharing with the running crew of the Adidas You are Where you Run event…. Recovery is most certainly just as important as the workout itself, but usually the most neglected part by athletes. Muscle tearing that occurs during vigorous exercise needs to mend before the body […]
5 Natural Remedies for the Occasional Sniffles!
Last week I was down with the sniffles – I’m not sick very often, but when the occasional runny nose occurs it can really throw my week off. Instead of the usual approach, I tried a dilution of Young Living’s therapeutic grade essential oils. Using organic extra virgin coconut oil as a carrier I made […]
5 Ways to Keep Your Metabolism High while Traveling
Travels are on the cards one again, and with it comes a lot of eating! Here are 5 Ways to Keep Your Metabolism High while Traveling… 1. Swim If a gym is not available, just swim. It’s just as effective as running and it actually give your body a chance to heal and to do something […]
7 Great Uses for PanAway
What a crazy hectic week. Sometimes I forget what day of the week it is with so much going on. And one thing that keeps coming back to haunt me is a niggling discomfort in my hamstring that I overused or overextended, back in 2005. It comes especially with vigorous activity or if I’ve upped my […]
Review – Adidas Ultraboost X
Since my Pureboost X review last year was one of the most frequently searched posts on this blog, I figured I should at least review, the Ultraboost X! Featuring the same free-floating ‘dynamic arch’ as the PureBoost X, these running shoes are claimed to be for women because they follow a woman’s curves and foot […]
Recipe – Fish, Pumpkin, Spinach Porridge
Luca is nearly 11 months old. She has got almost 8 teeth now and is growing fast. Help! My baby is becoming a toddler fast before my very eyes! Her appetite is also growing and after testing her out on vegetable porridge for a few weeks, we are now transitioning to protein based porridge starting […]
Breakfast – most important meal of the day
Luca is growing faster than you can say, Jack Robinson. And with her big feet, big hands, and big smile, comes a massive appetite. Jo and I are shocked by how much she can put away. So instead of pushing the panic button because I never used to cook before, I decided to deliberately plan […]