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Archive | April, 2013


Love your Eyes.. with Polaroid Eyewear

Polaroid, polarized sunglasses.. have you got your pair yet? Most of us probably have at least one pair of sunglasses. More than likely, we would have different pairs in different shapes and sizes, for different occasions and different fashion styles. Do you know what type of lenses you have on your sunglasses? There are the […]

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Vdara Spa

Healthy Options in Las Vegas

While Las Vegas is well known for roulette and blackjack, at the end of the day some of us want to take some time to ourselves and relax, get pampered, or even have a good workout to burn off some of the adult beverages we indulged in earlier. If you are looking for other activities […]

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Farmer's Market - Organic Vegetables

Eating Tips for the busy Woman

Where does the time go each day? I look at my watch, and it’s already 5pm! Well, here are our eating tips for the busy Woman… You’re busy. I’m busy. We aren’t getting any less busy, anytime soon. Well, good news is we have some tips for the busy woman and how to eat right. […]

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tiny bikini

My Brazilian – Laser Hair Removal

If you’re like me, and love wearing that itsy bitsy teeny bikini every weekend, then waxing along the bikini area is a must. But recently I found an even better, more pain free method of getting the Brazilian style done.  Laser hair removal. If you want to know, how you can wear a bikini like […]

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Sigh.. How not to burn calories like Psy

Here’s a most ridiculous dance routine which ain’t gonna make you sweat, nor wet. (regardless of what the Psy video says) This Psy move of the pelvic hips is something that won’t burn calories, isn’t even a dance, and isn’t even remotely appealing (unless you were a blind person)  – i.e. an absolute waste of time of […]

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asparagus-artichoke-pasta salad

White Asparagus for the Detox

It’s white asparagus season! Let’s all indulge in some healthy recipes for this week.. Do you need to eat constantly and entertain for dinner? Are red meats and rich foods a regular part of your dinner or dining habits? Well exercise alone is good, but adding detox and healthy eating is even better. Layering your […]

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Core Abs Workout

The Core Challenge .. are you IRON enough?  Do you wanna have iron abs in that itsy bitsy teeny bikini? No loose skin, no orange peel.. just abs of steel?    HERE GOES…  READY.. SET.. GO!  20 Seconds Ball (refer to photo – hands lightly support, muscle control comes from your lower ab)  20 push […]

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5 Reasons Why Women over 40 should Run

I feel like I was born to run. Running makes everything good. Stress goes, pain disappears and fatigue vanishes. I tell people, if you feel tired, Run. If you feel depressed, Run. If you feel out of sorts, Run. Run on the asphalt, run on grass, run on the beach, run in the gym.. no […]

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