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Tag Archives | sleep


Of Thieves and Lavender Dreams..

This month has been hectic with travels, and next month will be no different! We have Mauritius on the cards and possibly Reunion Island as well. Work (i.e. travel blogging) is just not slowing time anytime soon. Good and Bad. Good because it’s always fun to travel and get paid for it. Bad because, our […]

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Sleeping your way to Better Sex

Word is out. The more you sleep, the better the sex. And this is not an arbitrary statement.. a study called the *The Impact of Sleep on Female Sexual Response and Behavior; Kalmbach published in the Journal The Journal of Sexual Medicine (16 MAR 2015) documents their findings. This study looked at the role of sleep in […]

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10 Benefits of Napping

The Power Nap is more important than you think. And if you think back to the time you were a kid, wasn’t life just more simple? You ran around, you got tired, you took a nap. These days, who even has the time to take a 10 minute cat (or dog) nap.. ? Not many. […]

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Sleep helps reduce Obesity

Have you heard the expression, sleeping your way, to a slimmer you? Well, a lot of us are stressed out by work, or other issues that plague our daily lives- so much so that we find it hard to unwind after a day’s work. Even if we do get to sleep the quality of sleep […]

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