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Tag Archives | anti-aging

That ancient grain called Amaranth ..

We have recently experimented with Amaranth in our diets, in more ways than one. Like quinoa, amaranth is an ancient grain that’s packed with protein. Its seeds are high in fiber, iron, and calcium. The plant’s spinach-like leaves are also edible too. When you cook it, don’t expect it to be fluffy like quinoa, it […]

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Heard of Quercetin?

Food fascinates me. And the way food works on the body, whether good or bad, depends on what sort of food you allow into your system. One of the buzz words that I want to talk about, is quercetin. Quercetin are flavonoids that give many fruits, flowers, and vegetables their color. Flavonoids scavenge damaging particles […]

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Prevention of Alzheimer’s Disease – Part 3

Right now, there’s no proven way to prevent Alzheimer’s disease. Research into prevention strategies is ongoing. The strongest evidence so far suggests that you may be able to lower your risk of Alzheimer’s disease by reducing your risk of heart disease. Many of the same factors that increase your risk of heart disease can also […]

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Beast of a Yeast

The humble beer yeast or brewer’s yeast has a mighty promise – of health, youth and beauty. Yes indeed, the brewer’s yeast formed of unicellular and microscopic fungi from the Saccharomyces cerevisae and Saccharomyces carriergensis strains was lauded centuries ago by Hipócrates for its medicinal value and widely consumed by the ancient Egyptians. It was […]

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chia seeds

10 Good Reasons to Start Eating Chia Seeds

What are Chia seeds, you may ask. They sound Chinese, and when my mum first introduced them to me I was somewhat baffled by the strange name. Then a little research on the internet showed that Chia seeds are in fact, Salvia hispanica, a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae, native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. The […]

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20 Ways to Reduce Wrinkles

Wrinkles are part and parcel of the aging process. But how can we reduce wrinkles on our skin before our time? Some 23 year olds I know have wrinkles around the eyes at such a young age, but some ladies in their mid thirties have flawless wrinkle free skin. So how do you maintain lovely, […]

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10 Warning Signs of Alzheimer Disease – Part 2

Taking off where we left off.. there are many warning signs, if your loved one suffers from Alzheimer’s Disease. Here are some practical ways to help you pick up Alzheimer’s diseases in your loved ones, early, because the earlier you spot it, the more easy it is to treat. With a simple MMSE test that physicians carry out in […]

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Top 13 Anti-Aging Items, Essential for your Youth!

Aging is something all women shudder to think about. It is characterized by wrinkles, lack of energy, libido, memory loss, declined physical capacity, mental and logical sharpness, and worse still, it might herald the incoming of diseases like cardiac problems, diabetes, blood pressure, or arthritis. Visits to the hair salon that used to be sporadic […]

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