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Archive | Eating Right


5 Fantastic Health Foods that don’t seem like Health Foods

In Asia, we are blessed with interesting condiments and spices. So many of our ingredients that spice up our food and lend flavour, are actually good for us. Here are five powerful health-enhancing foods, that don’t seem like health foods, but are terrific sources of minerals and antixoidants. However please note that it is very important to consult your physician […]

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photo credit - healthline [dot] com

The 5 Best Supplements For Women

Take a walk down the pharmacy isle and your head should start buzzing. With so many supplements to choose from, where should one start? Not only that, once you start down that path, does it mean that there’s no turning back? Well, the good news is that supplements, aren’t meant to be a food substitute.   […]

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photo credit - Bold Vegan; Pan Seared Tofu Cubes & Shiitake Mushroom in Red Curry (thai)

Bold Vegan – Food Of South East Asia

It’s About Adding, Not Subtracting.  The word DIET makes me cringe. Literally. When I see that word, I know it’s going to be taking something away from me. Diet for me means Deprivation In Every Turn (DIET). Because of that, I have never been on a diet in my life. I just don’t believe in deprivation as […]

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Beast of a Yeast

The humble beer yeast or brewer’s yeast has a mighty promise – of health, youth and beauty. Yes indeed, the brewer’s yeast formed of unicellular and microscopic fungi from the Saccharomyces cerevisae and Saccharomyces carriergensis strains was lauded centuries ago by Hipócrates for its medicinal value and widely consumed by the ancient Egyptians. It was […]

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Rethinking Antibiotic in Animal Feed

The practice of mixing antibiotics in animal feed to make livestock, pigs and chickens gain weight and become more resistant to disease has been criticized for years. This is a problem both in this country as well as in the United States of America. Since the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) is looked upon as a […]

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Is Coffee Bad for Me?

I am a coffee addict. I find it hard to walk around after lunch, without entering a coffee bar. I have tons of coffee bookson my coffee table at home, and I generally just love talking about coffee! Well the good new is that, studies show that we may actually be benefitting from more than just […]

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The Papaya

Here in Malaysia, we are lucky that the papaya, once thought to be an exotic fruit, is readily available, and in abundance. Poets and authors have likened its scent to that of an ethereal, otherworldly experience. Deliciously sweet with musky undertones and a soft, butter-like consistency, it is no wonder the papaya was reputably called […]

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Why Eat Raw Food?

The Raw Food Diet is based on the belief that food that is uncooked and in its natural state, is best for the body. Although most food is eaten raw, heating food is acceptable as long as the temperature stays below 42 degrees Celsius. The fundamentals of the raw food dietclaim your body’s ability to absorb nutrients is enhanced through the […]

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