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6 Ways to Stick To Your New Years Resolutions

Why is it so hard, to stick to these New Years Resolutions..?

We make them.

We break them.



But is there an easier way, to stick to your New Years resolutions?

Do not fear.. help is on the way…

Here are my 6 Tips on How to Stick to your New Years Resolutions :

1. Make a Board

Just like how Pinterest is a Board, you should make a board of things you plan to do, in 2013. Put down your items as big empty square boxes on the board. As you achieve each item, add photos and big ticks to the squares. Beautify it and the visual should serve as an inspiration and help you keep on track.

2. Be Accountable

Tell you best friend, mate, sister or mum, what your plans are. Show them the Board you made. Let them help you along and encourage you too.

3. Be Positive

Some days we try but we don’t succeed. That’s OK. It’s OK to have a day out with the girls and have ice-cream too. It keeps us sane. But after that, it’s time to get back on track with the resolutions!

4. Set A Reminder

Set weekly or monthly reminders. I think 12 new year’s resolutions is a good way to go, with one item per month to cross off. So your Board should have the corresponding 12 boxes too. Set your alarm, 1 week before the month ends, as a reminder of what goal you have to achieve.

5. Be Specific

Don’t waffle. Rather than “lose weight” as your resolution, make it, “lose 2KGs per month”. With a goal to be reached each month, you are sure to work at it daily and not let it hit the back-burner.

6. Give Yourself A Push

Start the year off with new gym gear, new running shoes and a fresh new outlook on life. Hit the new year running and don’t look back.




2 Responses to 6 Ways to Stick To Your New Years Resolutions

  1. missyblurkit January 22, 2013 at 6:50 pm #

    Good tips! I don’t have a physical board but I have it on my desktop as a Note that is always opened with timelines for me to follow. Once its accomplished I will have it highlighted to show VICTORY.

    • ciki January 22, 2013 at 9:41 pm #

      Victory is sweet indeed!

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