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3 Quick Fat Burning Snacks on the Go

If you’ve ever skipped lunch, chances are that you got so busy, you didn’t even stop during the day to grab a bite to eat.

Skipping breakfast is bad enough as it is.. but skipping both lunch and breakfast is even worse.

If you’re ever pressed for time, here are 3 Quick Fat Burning Snacks on the Go…


You can whip them up in no time so, it’s easy, fast and nutritious. Even I can make it! 🙂

P91971271. Baby Corn, Meatball, Salad Leaves and Egg Noodles

This 30-minute meal offers load of nutritious and metabolism-boosting ingredients in a single bowl. The homemade meatballs are loaded with healthy fats, and the baby corn and veggies are high in fiber.

The baby corn provides a wide range of essential vitamins and minerals, including vitamins A and C, folate, and iron. Oh and kids would love to eat this too because it looks fun ( remind you of a certain iconic structure in KL? 😛 )

2. Salmon & Quinoa

Quinoa is such a hip and happening food these days. This earthy whole grain, which hails from South America, is packed with protein and fiber—a perfect combination for those who are looking to stay energized and keep their metabolism humming.

Salmon is another excellent source of omega3 fats. Of course, it is high in protein, and the “good fats.” But did you know that a 4 oz serving of wild salmon provides a full day’s requirement of vitamin D? Make it as a main meal for lunch or as a side dish with dinner.


2. Spinach & Feta Omelet with Tomatoes

This easy breakfast recipe, which takes just 15 minutes start to finish, packs a one-two punch that will leave you feeling satisfied yet energized.

The spinach provides filling fiber and iron, while the protein-loaded eggs curb appetite and will help stave off those late-morning cravings.

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2 Responses to 3 Quick Fat Burning Snacks on the Go

  1. missyblurkit September 30, 2013 at 5:49 pm #

    SImple and easy to make. I can even pack it for work:D

    • ciki October 2, 2013 at 11:33 pm #


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