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Archive | August, 2014

Quinoa & A Happy Healthy Merdeka!

Wishing all our readers, a happy, healthy Merdeka Day. Happy Independence day Malaysia.. you guys deserve a great one! Here’s my favourite breakfast on any day, and particularly today.. Quinoa Sushi rolls! What makes Quinoa (pronounced “keen-wah”) so nutritious? One of the reasons it packs energy yet digests easy is because Quinoa is a seed, […]

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Healthy Tasty Water, the kids will love!

Water might be the spring of life, but many folks I know, hate drinking water. Some would rather drink coffee, or carbonated can drinks, but hardly any water. Well, I don’t need to tell you how detrimental not drinking enough of the nature’s top detoxifier is for your body. But what I will show you […]

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Banish that Pooch! Lower Abs Exercises

I think most would agree with me, getting lower Ab definition is the hardest! But for me, the best time to work out my Abs, is after a run. That way your body’s metabolic furnace has already been kick started and your body can burn fat more efficiently during this time. Your rectus abdominis muscle, […]

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Hello Sexy Shoulders!

Here are some simple exercises for you to do a home, that does not require gym equipment. Just body resistance and a few simple tools that you have around the house will suffice! 1. Use a Resistance Band For this you can just use a rubber tube. Begin with your arms extended straight out in […]

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Pain in the Back!

If you are wondering why acetaminophen/paracetamol (most popularly known as Panadol) works for your headache or toothache, but doesn’t work for your back pain, then here’s a study which confirms it. Most adults would have had at least 3-5 lower back pain episodes, at some point in their lives, and in the past, treatment guidelines around […]

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