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Healthy Tasty Water, the kids will love!

Water might be the spring of life, but many folks I know, hate drinking water. Some would rather drink coffee, or carbonated can drinks, but hardly any water.

Well, I don’t need to tell you how detrimental not drinking enough of the nature’s top detoxifier is for your body.

But what I will show you is, some simple ways to jazz up water, using common herbs and fruits,  so it might be more palatable to those who don’t fancy its flat taste.

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Lychee-Lime with Mint Leaves

1/2 cup sliced fresh lychee fruit
1/2 a lime, sliced
1/4 cup fresh mint leaves

Coriander Cucumber Apple

1/2 a cucumber, sliced
1/2 cup sliced apples
1/4 cup fresh coriander

Watermelon Parsley

1 cup cubed watermelon
1/4 cup parsley

Ginger, Apricot

1/2 cup cubed apricot
1 tablespoon freshly grated ginger

Using a big jar, Water, a Wooden Spoon, Stevia,


Choose which recipe you’re making — or come up with your own combination — and gather all of the ingredients.
Place the fruit, herbs, and/or spices in the bottom of one of the glass jars, and muddle with a wooden spoon.
Fill the jar with water and give it a taste. If you’d like something a bit sweeter, try adding some Stevia. Add a bit of soda if you would like a fizz.




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