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Archive | April, 2012


12 Superfoods for Better Sex

Ever tired getting into the mood, after a stressful day? Chances are.. you’re not going to get very far. It is the mind, afterall, that is instrumental in determining sexual performance and sex drive in men and women alike. Despite this, foods that we consume can play a vital role in determining sexual performance too. […]

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salmon sandwich

5 Tips for a Quickie – Lunch Workout

You only have around an hour for a workout during lunchtime, but you are nowhere near a gym. The traffic would kill you anyway, and so you are stuck in the office. What should you do? Well, you could run up and down the stairwell for sure, but let’s refine it a little. Short bursts of high-intensity […]

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My 3 Favorite Healthy Foods

What are your favourite health foods? Do you have any foods that you really like, and have continued to eat, eventhough people have told you that it’s bad? I do. Eggs have received some negative reports over the years, but I am happy to say that I NEVER stopped believing in them or eating them! […]

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Walking is the Best Exercise

Man was created by God, to walk and fellowship with him in the garden on Eden. No where in the the bible does it say that man ran around after God. OK, maybe that’s a bit of a long shot, but seriously, scientists have known for a while that by merely walking, you can improved the state of […]

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5 Things that Stop Progress in the Gym

You’ve been working out for ages, and suddenly you feel like you are not making any progress. You get bored and tired easily and make excuses not to workout, exercise or go to the gym. That spark that was once there, is now gone. You fall sick easily. Well, if some of these symptoms describe […]

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10 Tips for Exercising Regularly

What prevents us from Exercising regularly? We find all kinds of excuses to stay in bed, work late, or run around doing other things so we don’t have to hit the gym or go for a jog. It’s actually really simple. If your heart is in it, you will find a way to exercise. And […]

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