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10 Tips for Exercising Regularly

What prevents us from Exercising regularly? We find all kinds of excuses to stay in bed, work late, or run around doing other things so we don’t have to hit the gym or go for a jog.

It’s actually really simple. If your heart is in it, you will find a way to exercise. And if it’s not, you will definitely find 101 excuses not to do it. Here are 10 Tips for Exercising regularly, that you can immediately put into practice, that will help you increase your success rate with exercising.

My 10 Tips of Exercising Regularly are.. 

1. Be and early Riser

People who know me, know that I am a morning person. I like running in the mornings before work. This really energizes me, picks up my metabolism, and frees me up in the evenings to relax and do whatever I please. If you want more time on your hands, exercising in the mornings are the way to go!

2. Start on a Monday

Exercising on a Monday, sets the tone for the week, and you feel better about yourself, especially after the weekend of heavy eating and perhaps drinking too.

3. Never skip exercising two days in a row

You can skip a day, but the next day, no matter what, you should exercise again. Your metabolism falls after two days, so you will end up undoing all the good from the previous day’s workout if you leave it too long.

4. A pat on the Back

Always encourage yourself for having exercised at all. It’s not about the 20minutes workout being inferior to the 1hour workout. It’s the fact that you put on your trainers at all, and decided to go work up a sweat – well done! Always encourage yourself, and the next time improve on it!

5. Examine reasons for disliking exercise

You don’t like swimming because you hate the cold water. You don’t like working out at the gym because the equipment is smelly and the men are sweaty. If you examine the reasons behind your dislike for exercise, maybe you can find an alternative. Like running might be your sport as it does not require you to come in direct contact with cold water.  And joining a ladies gym and doing yoga, might be a good alternative if you do not like handling weights which are smelly and a gym full of sweaty men! LOL

6. Find your groove

Some people are loners and they love long distance running. The mental for a long distance runner is ultimately that of a loner. You will start and end alone, and everything in between is about the strength of your mental state and determination to see you to the end. Some people are more cut out for team sports where there is a lot of team spirit involved such as basketball or volleyball. Some people like adventure and a good thrill – rock/wall climbing might be their sport of choice. Picking the sport that bests suits your personality will ensure you keep at it for a long time.

7. Music is Key!

Oh man, how many times has good music saved me from the doldrums? Innumerable times! Sometimes you just don’t feel like working out. Invest in a good ipod, download some groovy tunes that you like, and plug in your headset. I promise you will find that beat to work out once more.

8. Perfecting the Package

Let’s face it. The way we look counts for a lot. Even when we are making a presentation at work, or trying to close a deal, people judge us by how we look. Getting fit and trim is not only a confidence booster, it makes people warm up to us more quickly. And we all can use a little help in the right direction.

9. It’s not about the Time

Some people scorn exercise unless you’re working out for at least 1 – 2 hours. They say, why bother if your not doing it hardcore. Let me just stay, that even a short stroll down to the park for a half hour, and back will do more good, that doing nothing at all, just because you think it’s too short a time to benefit. Just go and do it!

10. Don’t kid yourself

Sometimes I hear my neighbours talking and saying that “I used to be a school tennis player back in the day, or I used to represent my varsity in squash 5 years ago.. ” Then is then, and now is now. If you are no longer fit now, then you need to face facts, and get back into the exercising momentum of things. And just because you belong to a gym (but hardly go) does not make you fit! Remember, fitness is a life long commitment. Start slow, but best to start now, than not at all.. your body will feel much better, stronger, and you will be a happier, healthier person, overall!



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4 Responses to 10 Tips for Exercising Regularly

  1. Mica April 10, 2012 at 2:30 pm #

    All of this is great advice and so, so true, for me especially #3, I started working out and felt better, then stopped when I began traveling again and now I feel like the pounds are creeping back in. Must make time!!

    • ciki April 11, 2012 at 2:18 am #

      Hi Mica! You and bf can always go jogging on your travels! It’s great fun and safer since you’re with a guy:) xoxo

  2. Jon Reid June 23, 2012 at 1:30 am #

    Ciki! This is great advice. I agree 100%…definitely going to reblog this. Great job.

    • ciki June 24, 2012 at 1:42 am #

      Great stuff Jon! And thanks!

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