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Tag Archives | supplements

5 Supplements for the Urban Athlete

Keeping healthy as you exercise is paramount for the success of any training athlete. We don’t always have time to eat a balanced diet, what with work-life/social-life being so hectic, and that’s where supplements come in. Supplements are not for everybody however, and you should consult your doctor before starting on anything new. So far, […]

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Chromium & Exercise

One of the supplements that has garnered a lot of interest in the fitness and body building world, would be Chromium. Because chromium supplements are purported to increase lean body mass (LBM) and decrease body fat during resistance training, it sounds like the prefect addition to one’s fitness regime. But does Chromium really do everything […]

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Beware of Herbs as Supplements

If you’re considering using any herb, as part of your supplements, remember this important rule of thumb. Any herb that is strong enough to help you can be strong enough to hurt you. Like any medicine, herbs can have side effects, and herbs can be contraindicated. Ginkgo biloba may be good for memory and the […]

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How to Shop for Supplements

The most important question to ask is.. “Why do I need this supplement?” and “Is it suitable for me?” Think about what you normally eat (your preferred diet) and what it may be lacking. Remember, the word supplement means just that, a product meant to supplement your food. A well chosen supplement can be beneficial […]

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The 5 Best Supplements For Women

Take a walk down the pharmacy isle and your head should start buzzing. With so many supplements to choose from, where should one start? Not only that, once you start down that path, does it mean that there’s no turning back? Well, the good news is that supplements, aren’t meant to be a food substitute.   […]

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10 Herbs and Supplements for Tuberculosis

Though treatment methods for Tuberculosis(TB) have improved, more and more resistant strains have been emerging. For example, INH-resistant TB is now seen among patients in Southeast Asia. This situation has created a dire need for using natural alternatives in addition to conventional medications or the full treatment of TB. People suffering with TB will die, […]

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L-Carnitine and Weight Loss

If you are trying to lose weight, or get those cuts on your muscles that will make you the envy of your mates, check out L-Carnitine. Supplements and weight loss have always been controversial issues true. And I would say that nothing can take the place of regular exercise and proper eating. Supplements are a […]

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People ask me how I can still wear my 5 inch platform heels to work, especially after all that hardcore pounding on my knees and joints with long distance running plus combat at the gym. Well, it’s not all me. I do have some help. Realising that injuries occur due to wear and tear, I tend to […]

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