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40 minute Sexy Butt Workout

A shapely bottom is a sight to behold. If you’ve ever heard of or tried your hand at the Brazil Butt Lift, then you will know what I am talking about.

Usually it is only seen on a few super hot women you know, or read about in the magazines. Well not anymore! Are you ready to transform your sagging behind with this Sexy Butt Workout? Here are the top five exercises to kick start your exercise program and literally get your butt in gear. With this sexy butt workout, you will be bouncing coins off it in no time. The boys will not be able to stop ogling, and the women as well!

Here is my 40 minute Sexy Butt Workout routine.. 


According to fitness guides, squats are small, yet powerful moves to tone your butt. Squats are also a total lower-body workout that builds the thighs and hips. Begin squats by standing shoulder-width apart and placing dumbbells at shoulder height. Bend your knees, making sure that they are behind your toes. Lower yourself into a sitting position, pushing your butt slightly out behind you. Tighten your abs and keep your upper body straight. Return to the starting position. Complete 10 to 12 reps for two to four sets.

REPS 12 to 15
REST 30 seconds


Fitness gurus say that doing lunges is a great way to work out your butt, quads, inner and outer thighs, and hamstrings. Lunges will give you a round, firm butt while also slimming and toning your legs and thighs. Begin lunges by placing your hands on your hips and standing with your legs together. Step forward with your left leg and as you land, lower your body toward the ground. Make sure to keep your front knee behind your toes and your back knee close to, but not touching the floor. Rise up, push your weight on your front leg, and lunge forward with your back leg, repeating the previous move. Complete 10 to 15 reps on each leg for two to four sets.

REPS 12 to 15
REST 30 seconds

Cross Leg Lunges

A variation of the regular lunge that activated a different set of bum and leg muscles. Stand up straight and when you lung bring your left or right leg across your body instead of straight out in front. Drop your trailing knee to the floor again then step back and do the other leg across the body to the other side. This feels a little less comfortable and is a little harder to balance but you should feel a different pull on the muscles.
REPS 12 to 15
REST 30 seconds


Step-ups will give you a nice round butt, as well as work your hips, thighs and legs. Begin by standing in front of the step and placing your left foot on the step heel first. Step up with your right foot. Finally step back down with your left foot first, then right. Repeat. Complete 15 to 20 reps on each leg for two to four sets.

REPS 12 to 15
REST 30 seconds

Gluteus Kickback

Get on your hands and knees on the floor, knees bent at 90 degrees so thighs are perpendicular to the floor. Keeping your head up, lift your right leg back and up, maintaining your 90 degree knee bend, until your foot is higher than your head or your thigh is horizontally in line with your torso. Squeeze your right gluteus and slowly lower your leg back to start position. Perform the same with your left leg, and repeat.

REPS 12 to 15
REST 30 seconds


After that, run on the treadmill for 20 minutes, at as fast a pace as you can manage, to burn off bits on your butt that you don’t like. Running is an easy exercise that aids in weight loss, reduces stress and builds muscle in the legs, thighs and especially the butt. To increase the butt-building potential of running, add hills to an outdoor run. If you’re running on a treadmill, add an incline to the routine. Also, doing a sprinting-running combo will also increase the intensity of your workout to give you a rounder, firmer butt.

TIME: 20 minutes

 There are also many other exercises you can do, to get a sexy butt, but then that would end up making this routine longer than 40 minutes. Anyway, these are my top favourite workouts for a Sexy Butt. What are yours?

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2 Responses to 40 minute Sexy Butt Workout

  1. Traveling Ted February 15, 2012 at 1:13 am #

    I googled “sexy butt” and it brought me hear. Shhh, don’t tell anyone I was searching for a sexy butt 🙂

    • ciki February 15, 2012 at 1:19 am #

      ROFLMAO.. Ted! I think that’s the whole point of this post.. to bring you HERE if you google sexy butt. Then after that, if you like, you can actually try and get one .. YOURS! 😛

      (i won’t tell anyone!!)

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