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Archive | November, 2014

5 Natural Ways to Combat Flu!

Being down with the flu sucks! Especially when you have places to be, events to attend.. a schedule which is chock-a-block with activities. But if you want to get better, faster, I find that avoiding grains, sugars and other highly starchy foods helps be get back in shape faster and helps my immunity fight the […]

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10 Ways to Run Safe on Holiday!

Just a short update today as we have been away in Melaka, on holiday! However, we did manage to see a lot of this beautiful, historical city, by our favourite mode of transportation.. running! Here’s how to Run Safe, when on holiday.. 1. Never forget to stretch…  2. Start with a slow jog to warm […]

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10 Great Benefits of the Tuberose

We recently had the pleasure of dining at a Thai restaurant, where they employed Tuberose bulb in their cooking. I was surprised because I normally consider tuberose, one of the most expensive natural flower materials, used in perfume and not in cooking. This particular species is in fact, related to Narcissus and Jonquil, and a […]

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Loving my eyes with Polaroid

When you drive or walking around town as often as we do, you really need to take care of that glare from the sunlight that hits your eyes. And you know, we are so fastidious about applying sunblock and protecting our skin from the sunrays, why not our eyes too? How often do you shield […]

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5 Reasons to Take Spirulina

Spirulina might not look terribly appetizing. It is after all, a blue-green algae, and looks like it belongs in a damp, dark corner of an abandoned house. However, do not be deceived. This amazing algae contains protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. It contains nutrients, including B complex […]

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