Just a short update today as we have been away in Melaka, on holiday!
However, we did manage to see a lot of this beautiful, historical city, by our favourite mode of transportation.. running!
Here’s how to Run Safe, when on holiday..
1. Never forget to stretch…
2. Start with a slow jog to warm up..
3. Throw in stair work to increase intensity of workout,
4. Run through the kampung, but make sure you’re not chased by dogs..
5. Bicep and tricep dips.. Work the shoulders too..
6. More kampung running.. especially towards the smell of breakfast..
7. Stop at the temple to stretch..
8. Find a nice spot to do your core strengthening exercises..
9. Run all the way back withouts stopping, at race pace…
10. Break down any barriers in your way! (kidding.. no barricades were harmed, practicing my combat side kick);P
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