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Archive | November, 2013

Travel, Health & Sex

How many of us actually pay attention to our sexual health, when traveling on holiday, or traveling long term? And if you are the sort who travels frequently due to work, doesn’t the occasional indulgence kick in?  Whether it is the unattached professional, or the traveler seeking adventure and new kicks, or the backpacker looking […]

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Going Green.. with Fish!

Fish is good for you and the environment! What would you consider a good source of fat, a lean protein high in vitamins and minerals, that does not contribute to the production of methane greenhouse gas? Fish! Methane, produced by farm animals, is a powerful greenhouse gas and is considered 20 times more harmful than […]

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Sugar is not the root cause of Obesity

Many people believe that sugar is fattening and causes obesity. Sugar is a carbohydrate, and all carbohydrates provide 4 kilocalories per gram. High fat, not sugar, intakes are associated with a greater risk of obesity. Fat is a more concentrated source of energy, and provides 9 kilocalories per gram. However, many foods high in sugar, […]

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One Month Challenge

For this month, let’s focus on something that’s not too difficult to accomplish.. it is called, the One Month Challenge. These healthy challenges for the month, should keep you ladies focus on the right things.. and rev up your metabolism at the same time. It will probably help you distress and sleep better too! Done […]

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Beware of Herbs as Supplements

If you’re considering using any herb, as part of your supplements, remember this important rule of thumb. Any herb that is strong enough to help you can be strong enough to hurt you. Like any medicine, herbs can have side effects, and herbs can be contraindicated. Ginkgo biloba may be good for memory and the […]

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Going Green .. Part 2

Going Green! Part 2.. We talked about how to reduce your carbon footprint, about a week ago..  now we look at how, air + water + brown stuff + green stuff = Compost! That’s right folks, composting is the way to recycle your yard and kitchen wastes –  it is planned decomposition of plants and […]

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finding a good running group helps!

How to Run 21KM in 4 weeks

Folks ask me how on earth I run 21KM every Sunday.  If you think about at it, the milage looks like a lot, but if you break it down, it’s really not that far. If you have been a casual runner, and want to up your game ( and run) then you might want to […]

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