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Tag Archives | sex

Sleeping your way to Better Sex

Word is out. The more you sleep, the better the sex. And this is not an arbitrary statement.. a study called the *The Impact of Sleep on Female Sexual Response and Behavior; Kalmbach published in the Journal The Journal of Sexual Medicine (16 MAR 2015) documents their findings. This study looked at the role of sleep in […]

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Travel, Health & Sex

How many of us actually pay attention to our sexual health, when traveling on holiday, or traveling long term? And if you are the sort who travels frequently due to work, doesn’t the occasional indulgence kick in?  Whether it is the unattached professional, or the traveler seeking adventure and new kicks, or the backpacker looking […]

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Health in the Bedroom.. L’amour!

A couple of months ago, one of my friends who is a medical doctor specialising in anti-aging, passed me some samples for the bed room. Only because she happens to be one of the leading doctors in her field of expertise, did I agree to take the little tube she passed me, although somewhat reluctantly. […]

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