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Tag Archives | omega 3

3 Great Fish to Eat, and 3 Not to!

Not all fish are created equal. The challenge in eating the right fish, is knowing where the fish is caught. More often than not, you don’t get this kind of disclosure form restaurants. If you are buying your own fish, then you should look for labels that state mercury free, or wild fish. Looking for […]

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What’s the buzz regarding Krill Oil ?

So lately, I’ve been hearing a lot of buzz regarding Krill Oil. It is an alternative for Omega-3 with some touted benefits over Fish Oils, such as, better bioavailability, rich in Astaxanthins, doesn’t have the fishy aftertaste when you belch and has high sustainability (as it is at the bottom of the food chain). So […]

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chia seeds

10 Good Reasons to Start Eating Chia Seeds

What are Chia seeds, you may ask. They sound Chinese, and when my mum first introduced them to me I was somewhat baffled by the strange name. Then a little research on the internet showed that Chia seeds are in fact, Salvia hispanica, a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae, native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. The […]

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