Even though the White Asparagus is no easy to get out here in the tropics, when it is in season in other parts of the world (i.e. springtime.. around the month of April or so) and we see it on the menu is some restaurants, we obviously go for them because they are so darn […]
Tag Archives | nutrition
10 Great Benefits of the Tuberose
We recently had the pleasure of dining at a Thai restaurant, where they employed Tuberose bulb in their cooking. I was surprised because I normally consider tuberose, one of the most expensive natural flower materials, used in perfume and not in cooking. This particular species is in fact, related to Narcissus and Jonquil, and a […]
5 Reasons to Take Spirulina
Spirulina might not look terribly appetizing. It is after all, a blue-green algae, and looks like it belongs in a damp, dark corner of an abandoned house. However, do not be deceived. This amazing algae contains protein, vitamins, minerals, carotenoids and antioxidants that can help protect cells from damage. It contains nutrients, including B complex […]
Carb Cycling – become a lean mean, fat burning machine!
With all those high protein diet fads out here, it’s no wonder that Carbohydrates have gotten some serious flak. Well, believe it or not, our muscle growth and overall wellbeing, depends on us getting in the right amount of healthy carbohydrates into our system. The challenge is to take in just the right amount of carbs, […]
Crazy about Cranberries!
Cranberries are great for you.. and you’d be right to think so! Instead of reaching for a bag of chips when you are hungry, try a handful of walnuts with some cranberries added to them, to add a nice tart, flavour. With just one Serving, i.e. 1 cup of whole cranberries you get a mere: […]
Ditch the Protein Shakes!
Sick of drinking protein shakes.. ? How about some live food for a change? If you’re really bored of the same of flavours of vanilla, chocolate, and fruit-flavored protein shakes, here’s a fun way to change it up. Peanut butter, bananas & dark chocolate To toasted whole grain brown bread, add low fat peanut butter and […]
Sexy Salad Days!
Do you ever reminisce back to the days in high school, were you were an energetic, nubile 110 pound hottie, who got all the stares when walking down the street? Now, 2 kids along , you’re tipping the scales at 159 pounds, and heading north. Many of your conversations are about slimming centers, and weight management […]
You’d do well, to trade your Steak for some Lentils !
The next time you want to consider a more “healthy” protein source than having a steak, take a look at the nutritional profile of lentils. To reduce fat, saturated fat, and cholesterol while increasing fiber, the lentils win hands down. With all that lentils have going for them, you’d think more people would be eating […]
Moderation and Variety.. for Healthier Living!
What is Moderation? Not too much or too little.. that’s what moderation means. Moderation does not mean that you have to eliminate hawker food from your diet, but rather that you can include them occasionally. Moderation also means not taking anything to extremes. You probably have heard that vitamin C has positive effects, but that […]
Best Health Snacks for the Busy Woman
You’re dashing about from appointment to appointment. You glance at your watch, and suddenly it’s 3pm. Where did the time go, and why did u miss lunch? Here’s a sure fire way to make sure you get the nutrition you need, before the hectic day even begins. For the busy woman, here are my favourite […]