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Tag Archives | chia seeds

Eating Clean on Holiday

Eating clean while on holiday is tough, but if you want to have less tears post holiday (when you try to put on your skinny jeans, or step on the scales), then eating clean is paramount. Even if you cannot eat clean every single meal, the best way is to start off each morning right, […]

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chia cookies

Chia Seeds – recommended Daily Dosage

Chia Seeds are my perfect accompaniment to breakfast these days. It is fuss free and gives me the energy I need, for my morning run. It keeps me awake and alert all day. And these are just the physical improvements and manifestations of Chia. What really happens in our bodies when we consume Chia Seeds? […]

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chia seeds

10 Good Reasons to Start Eating Chia Seeds

What are Chia seeds, you may ask. They sound Chinese, and when my mum first introduced them to me I was somewhat baffled by the strange name. Then a little research on the internet showed that Chia seeds are in fact, Salvia hispanica, a species of flowering plant in the mint family, Lamiaceae, native to central and southern Mexico and Guatemala. The […]

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