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Natural Remedy for Liver Detox

How do you know, that your body needs a Liver Detox..? 

In this busy day and age, stress is a common denominator in everybody’s lives.

We all have it. Some to a greater extent than others.

And stress, is the precursor of all sorts of harmful physiological changes that can exert its effects on the body.

Not only that, but daily contact with pollution and toxic buildup is thought to be the underlying causes of conditions such as chronic fatigue, stress, and inflammatory conditions like arthritis, and psoriasis.

The good news is that the liver is the body’s amazing filter system that removes the toxins from the food we eat, the liquids we drink and the air we breathe. The bad news is that, we sometimes tax our liver with all sorts of other “stresses” and it becomes less efficient of a filter.


Apart from the obvious, such as alcohol, the liver also filters harmful chemicals and toxins that we absorb through our skin by the products we use such as skin lotion, tanning cream, shampoos and hair dyes. It’s no wonder that this day in age with pollution, processed foods and chemically-rich cosmetic products that many people complain of liver problems and seek out home remedies to help counteract its effects.

If you suffer from the following symptoms, a liver detox may be a great natural cure to some of your health complaints:

Skin problems- eczema, acne, dermatitis, boils
Excess weight gain, especially around the stomach
Mood swings
Feeling sick after eating
Feeling generally sluggish on a daily basis

Well, here’s a simple home remedy for liver detox, that will keep you in the pink of health:

Duration : 10 Days

Remedy (Amount Required):

Organic Lemon Juice – 2tablespoons

Organic Molasses – 1 tablespoon

Organic Extra Virgin Olive Oil – 1 tablespoon

Organic Cayenne Pepper – 1 pinch

Warm Water – 1/2 cup

Method :

Mix well and drink first thing in the morning for 10 consecutive days

During this time, you may experience headache, fatigue, indigestion etc, but these are signs that your body is recovering from the imbalance and that the detox is working. These symptoms will soon disappear and by the end of the detox you will be 100% energized!


Other Liver purifying herbs include:

Dandelion tea

Yarrow tea

Bitter melon tea

Milk thistle seeds


Fenugreek seeds

Turmeric powder



Liver problems can be inherited, or liver problems can occur in response to viruses and chemicals. Some liver problems are temporary and go away on their own, while other liver problems can last for a long time and lead to serious complications. If you have a history of liver disease in your family, please consult your physician if you notice any alarm symptoms.

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